Tablet WM8650 8" fact OS corrapted,and touch doesn't work to resolve it?


Sep 2, 2012
i have the following TABLET.wonder media WM8650 tablet (may be it,s similar with mefrom specification side)

Android Tablet Specification is-
Operating System: Google Android 2.2 OS
* Processor: VIA VM8650
* Processor Frequency: 800MHz
* Storage: 2GB Nand Flash
* Storage Other: support microSD memory card, up to 32GB
* Camera: 1.3 MP
* Screen Size: 8 inches
* Screen Resolution: 800*600 pixels
* Video Support: 720P
* Internet Connections: WiFi, RJ45
* Internet WiFi: IEEE 802.11 b/g
* I/O Ports: 30PIN * 1, Jack 3,5mm * 1, microSD slot * 1, USB * 1
* USB: USB 2.0
* Battery Capacity: 2000mAh
* Battery Life: 3-5 hours
* Language: Multi-Language: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian etc.
* Accessories: Charger * 1
* Dimension: 205*150*12.9mm
* Weight: 400g
* Other: G-Sensor, Built-in speaker and microphone
* Warranty: 1 year
* RAM: 256MB DDR2
* Screen Type: Resistive Touchscreen
i tried to upgrade the ROM, everything was fine, but touch screen was not responding, kindly suggest me the solution or send me working ROM for my TABLET.
yesterday i try to updrade my tab Os to ICS but unfortunatly.nothing work beside my main factory rom my tab doesn't work
i tried a lot of rom but nothing happend .
1.i tried given rom from-M003S Rom - Original Firmware Download ~ WonderMedia 8650 - VIA WM8650 Android Tablet PC FIRMWARE | Custom Roms | Original Firmware
but it doesn't work also.
then try 2.Universal WM8650 Uberoid v1.5.7 rom-Universal Uberoid WM8650 1.5.7 v12 Beta2 Android Latest Firmware V1.5.7 » WM8650 Android Tablet PC Apps,Games,Themes,Widgets And More...| Apad
and after using a lot of changer.bat for changing model finally 1 of rom work but i forget which model i gave.but the main problem is touch doesn,t work properly.sound working,and some other also.but screen have dual view like $IMAG0442_1.jpg
so im unable to use it.i try to edit rom>firewallinstalle>env>env_uboot
but may be i was wrong to edit
there i give u main env_uboot from Universal WM8650 Uberoid v1.5.7 rom is -
setenv memtotal 212M
setenv mmcid 0
setenv lpj AUTO
setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip
setenv gatewayip
setenv netmask
setenv nandargs \
  setenv bootargs mem=${memtotal} root=${filesystem-NAND_mtd} noinitrd rootfstype=yaffs2 \
    rw console=ttyS0,115200n8 lpj=${lpj} ${android_bootargs} ${platform_bootargs} quiet

setenv nandboot \
  nandrw r ${kernel-NAND_ofs} 0x1000000 ${kernel-NAND_len}\; \
  if iminfo 0x1000000\; then \
    run nandargs\; \
    bootm 0x1000000\; \

setenv bootcmd \
  run nandboot\; \
  echo No kernel found

setenv logocmd nandrw r ${wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-logo} ${wmt.display.logoaddr} 10000\; \
  nandrw r ${wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-logo2} ${wmt.display.logoaddr2} 40000\; \
  nandrw r ${wmt.nfc.mtd.kernel-logo} ${wmt.kernel.animation.addr} 80000\; \
  display init force\; \
  decompanima -f  ${wmt.display.logoaddr2} 0x3000000; \
  decompanima -f  ${wmt.display.logoaddr} 0x3000000

setenv wmt.display.logoaddr2 550000
setenv wm8900:ff:ff:ff:ff
setenv 100:0:2000
setenv wmt.display.logoaddr 500000
setenv wmt.kernel.animation.addr f600000
setenv wmt.eth.param 1
setenv wmt.gpi.bat [0:0:00020000:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104C0][1:0:00000020:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104C0][2:1:00010000:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000: d8110480:d81104C0]
setenv wmt.gpo.camera1 1:0:7:D8110040:D8110080:D81100C0
setenv wmt.gpo.wifi 6:1:6:d8110040:d8110080:d81100C0
setenv wmt.gpt.gsensor 3:8:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104c0:83000000:d8110300:8:d8110320:6
setenv 1:2:1000:b78:972:b29:b11:afe:aca:aab:a94:a80:a64:a40:a1b:972
setenv 1:3:4:0:1:1:-1:2:-1:0:0:0
setenv wmt.sys.keypad commonboard:1:rc_1:4:c0_73:c1_72:r0_9e:r1_8b
setenv 0
setenv wmt.pwbn.param 100:0:500
setenv 7
setenv touchic true
setenv touchirq gpio0
setenv touchcodec uor615x
setenv 1:uor615x:0:800:480
setenv wmt.bus.i2c i2c0:1:1:i2c1:1:1
setenv bootdelay 1
setenv wmt_ui_hibernation 1
setenv wmt_sys_powerhold 0
setenv wmt.gpo.vibrator 1:1:2:D8110040:D8110080:D81100C0:1
setenv 0:0
setenv android_bootargs init=/init
setenv platform_bootargs wmtvo=2:1:24:800:480:60
setenv wmt.display.param 2:0:16:0:0:0
setenv wmt.display.tmr 40000:0:10:46:800:20:10:23:480:10
setenv wmt.display.pwm 0:25:50:99
setenv panelres.x 800
setenv panelres.y 480
setenv 7inch_std 
setenv 592 -32615 124311591 22305 157 -11032910 147589

i edit it to
setenv memtotal 212M
setenv mmcid 0
setenv lpj AUTO
setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip
setenv gatewayip
setenv netmask
setenv kernelargs \
  setenv bootargs mem=${memtotal} root=${filesystem-NAND_mtd} noinitrd rootfstype=yaffs2 \
  rw console=ttyS0,115200n8 lpj=${lpj} ${android_bootargs} ${platform_bootargs} \

setenv bootcmd \
  nandrw r ${kernel-NAND_ofs} 0x1000000 ${kernel-NAND_len}\; \
  if iminfo 0x1000000\; then \
    run kernelargs\; \
    bootm 0x1000000\; \
  fi\; \
  echo No kernel found

setenv logocmd \
  nandrw r ${wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-logo} ${wmt.display.logoaddr} 10000\; \
  nandrw r ${wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-logo2} ${wmt.display.logoaddr2} 40000\; \
  nandrw r ${wmt.nfc.mtd.kernel-logo} ${wmt.kernel.animation.addr} 80000\; \
  display init force\; \
  decompanima -f  ${wmt.display.logoaddr2} 0x3000000; \
  decompanima -f  ${wmt.display.logoaddr} 0x3000000

setenv wmt.display.logoaddr 500000
setenv wmt.display.logoaddr2 550000
setenv wmt.kernel.animation.addr f600000
setenv 100:0:2000
setenv wmt.eth.param 1
setenv wmt.gpi.bat [0:0:00020000:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104C0][1:0:00000020:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104C0][2:1:00010000:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000: d8110480:d81104C0]
setenv wmt.gpo.camera1 1:0:7:D8110040:D8110080:D81100C0
setenv wmt.gpo.wifi 6:1:6:d8110040:d8110080:d81100C0
setenv wmt.gpt.gsensor 3:8:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104c0:83000000:d8110300:8:d8110320:6
setenv 3:2:1000:db1:b8b:db1:d7a:d43:d0c:cd5:c9e:c67:c30:bf9:bc2:b8b
setenv 1:3:4:0:1:1:-1:2:-1
setenv wmt.sys.keypad commonboard:1:rc_1:4:c0_73:c1_72:r0_9e:r1_8b
setenv wmt.pwbn.param 100:0:500
setenv 7
setenv wmt.bus.i2c i2c0:1:1:i2c1:1:1
setenv bootdelay 1
setenv wmt_ui_hibernation 1
setenv wmt_sys_powerhold 0
setenv wmt.gpo.vibrator 1:1:2:D8110040:D8110080:D81100C0:1
setenv 0:0:0
setenv android_bootargs init=/init
setenv platform_bootargs wmtvo=2:1:24:800:600:60
setenv wmt.display.param 2:0:16:0:0:0
setenv wmt.display.tmr 40000:0:10:46:800:20:10:23:600:10
setenv wmt.display.pwm 0:25:50:99
setenv 1:3:4:0:1:1:1:2:-1
setenv 1:3:4:1:-1:0:1:2:-1
setenv vt1603:f1:f2:f1:f1:100
setenv 1:0:0
setenv 1:vt1603:2:800:600
setenv wmt.vt160x.bat 1:0:10:0
setenv puzhi_8inch_vt1603
setenv -20677 102 41959716 -418 17274 -4739063 48177
but now nothing happend in tab.Touchscreen doesn,t work right now.
can any one help me plz ,to get my tab back.or give good effictive guide link or any expart add to chat or discuss about this.

"For more information ,don't hesitated to knock me"


Last edited:
I purchased the wonder media WM 8650. I can't get it to operate in a timely manner. Is there something I can do to speed it up? I tried to log into this site using the wonder media tablet and it's still in the process of connecting. I've tried my wireless network, it connects and is really slow, I am currently using an Ethernet connection and it's no faster. I've been able to sign up for this site, (using my laptop) I've set up user name and ID so that I can ask some of these questions and the wonder media WM8650 is still not connected. It appears that it's in the process of. I have been able to load my Google account with email and links. Is it that I bought a worthless piece of equipment or is there something I can do to make use of this product worth while? I would appreciate any advice you can provide. Thank you.
@38manny, could you please start a new thread as your question is quite different than the op?
@netseeder, What you have been doing with the editing is way beyond my skill set, but it appears to me that you are using ROMs that were not intended for an 8" tablet which is why you are getting the split screen. I would try changer.bat versions 3-6, 10, 15, 17, 35, 40-43, 55, 62, 76, 77, 80, 85, 96, 101, 108, or 117. If everything works but the touchscreen, go to the Techknow forums and search there as I know they have some fixes for that problem.