Hi I bought this tablet about a week ago
http://cgi.NO EBAY LINKS ALLOWED, PLEASE READ THE RULES/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140883079682
Now it is an AGPTEK 7" android tablet. im at version 1.2.0 and I see there are a lot of firmwares files for this tablet, but I cannot seem to find any firmwares I can update with for my model number. Wondermedia's website support link doesn't even work. The model is
wmt.model.no= MID7_8233_FT5306_bsr025v0
My tablet isn't rooted either. I want to update this tablet to the LATEST firmware, and then root it. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great, because I can't seem to figure out what exactly I need to be searching for.
edit : also i would like a link to "Fmaker". I cannot find it anywhere, only references to it on android forums, and a page that has it translated.
edit2 : I have been having wifi issues since I got this tablet. it seemed as though everytime I would try to access the internet it would drop the wifi connection. there would still be a tiny space for where the icon should be on the taskbar, but the icon disappears. sometimes after about 5-10 seconds it will reconnect, but then repeat the process. I figured I was going to run into a lot of software problems by buying a third party android tablet, and I wasn't wrong. After an entire day of messing with it I realized it would only drop the wifi when I accessed the play store. everything else worked flawlessly. So I tried clearing the data and cache from play store, didn't do anything. So here is the fix for the wifi connectivity issues on this tablet. UNINSTALL GOOGLE PLAY STORE UPDATES! After doing that everything has ran smoothly. I don't have the latest play store, but thats better than not having internet. I had the 3.10.9 (which i assume came with it) but now I don't know what I have. I downloaded the 3.10.9 apk and will try installing it later to see if its just a bad factory install.
I found this link in techknow forums for the 1.5.0 firmware but I don't think any of them will work for this.
post also on techknow
http://cgi.NO EBAY LINKS ALLOWED, PLEASE READ THE RULES/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140883079682
Now it is an AGPTEK 7" android tablet. im at version 1.2.0 and I see there are a lot of firmwares files for this tablet, but I cannot seem to find any firmwares I can update with for my model number. Wondermedia's website support link doesn't even work. The model is
wmt.model.no= MID7_8233_FT5306_bsr025v0
My tablet isn't rooted either. I want to update this tablet to the LATEST firmware, and then root it. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great, because I can't seem to figure out what exactly I need to be searching for.
edit : also i would like a link to "Fmaker". I cannot find it anywhere, only references to it on android forums, and a page that has it translated.
edit2 : I have been having wifi issues since I got this tablet. it seemed as though everytime I would try to access the internet it would drop the wifi connection. there would still be a tiny space for where the icon should be on the taskbar, but the icon disappears. sometimes after about 5-10 seconds it will reconnect, but then repeat the process. I figured I was going to run into a lot of software problems by buying a third party android tablet, and I wasn't wrong. After an entire day of messing with it I realized it would only drop the wifi when I accessed the play store. everything else worked flawlessly. So I tried clearing the data and cache from play store, didn't do anything. So here is the fix for the wifi connectivity issues on this tablet. UNINSTALL GOOGLE PLAY STORE UPDATES! After doing that everything has ran smoothly. I don't have the latest play store, but thats better than not having internet. I had the 3.10.9 (which i assume came with it) but now I don't know what I have. I downloaded the 3.10.9 apk and will try installing it later to see if its just a bad factory install.
I found this link in techknow forums for the 1.5.0 firmware but I don't think any of them will work for this.
MicroDVD - http://www.techknow.t0xic.nl/forum/index.php?topic=3971.0 said:V1.5.0 firmware
W70-1.5.1680-NOWIN8-1108.zip (for GSL1680 touchscreen chip)
W70-1.5.1680-WIN8-1108.zip (for GSL1680 touchscreen chip)
W70-1.5.COF-WIN8-1108.zip (for CTP_PUZHI_AUTO)
readout from wm-explorer said:memtotal= 848M
mbsize= 56M
mmcid= 0
bootdelay= 0
ethaddr= 00:40:63:73:58:56
serialnum= 16afbffe0f4d2abfXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
wmt.display.logoaddr= 500000
wmt.display.logoaddr2= 550000
wmt.kernel.animation.addr= 3FC00000
wmt.audio.i2s= vt1603:0
wmt.i2c.param= 0:1,1:1
wmt.io.bat= 3:2:1000:f25:dc4:f32:ea0:e75:e47:e12:de2:db7:d80:d3d:cfe:cbc
wmt.io.bateff.adapter= ede-f52:e4e-ec8:de5-e65:d78-df4:ce2-d76
wmt.io.bateff.brightness= ef5-f21:e52-e83:dc8-dfc:d4d-d87:cc2-d0c
wmt.io.bateff.wifi= eec-ecd:e50-e35:dc8-daa:d4c-d2b:cc1-cab
wmt.gpi.bat= [0:0:00040000:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104C0][1:0:00000020:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104C0][2:1:00010000:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104C0]
wmt.sys.dcin.batfull= 1
wmt.io.kxte9gsensor= 1:0:-1:1:1:2:-1:0:0:0
wmt.io.mc3230sensor= 1:3:10:1:-1:0:-1:2:-1:0:0:0
wmt.io.dm08sensor= 1:3:5:0:-1:1:-1:2:1:0:0:0
wmt.io.mma7660gsensor= 1:1:-1:0:-1:2:-1:0:0:0
wmt.gpt.gsensor= 8:100:d8110040:d8110080:d8110000:d8110480:d81104c0:30000:d8110300:100:d8110304:6a
wmt.eth.param= 0x11
wmt.ui.storage= 7
wmt.vd.debug= 0
wmt.camera.param= 1:12:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
wmt.sd0.param= 1:0:0
wmt.sd1.param= 0:0
wmt.sd2.param= 0:0
wmt.io.touchft5x= 1:FT5306_bsr025v0:9:480:800:4
wmt.display.param= 2:2:24:800:480:60
wmt.display.pwm= 10:50:1000:1000
wmt.gpo.lcd= 0:1:0:d8110040:d8110080:d81100c0
wmt.display.dual= 1
wmt.gpo.vibrator= 1:1:28110040
wmt.pwbn.param= 100:100:100
wmt.sys.keypad= baseboard:1:rc_1:5:r0_9e:r1_8b:r2_73:r3_72:r4_66
wmt.bat.ch.en= 1
wmt.usb.param= 11:3
wmt.l2c.param= 1:3e440000:70000007
wmt.plla.param= 1:800:1:2:1:1:1
wmt.ge.param= 1:8:-1:8
wmt.display.hdmi.vmode= auto
wmt.camera.i2c_gpio= 0
wmt.gpo.charge_elec= 0:1:6:d8110042:d8110082:d81100c2
wmt.display.chargeanim= 1
wmt.model.no= MID7_8233_FT5306_bsr025v0
wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-logo= 0x0
wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-logo2= 0x100000
wmt.nfc.mtd.u-boot-chganim= 0x400000
post also on techknow
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