TabletConnect - Android Tablet Giveaway Contest


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2010
UPDATE: Contest is over. Thanks to everyone who participated. We will do another contest in the future.

As part of our one year anniversary, TabletConnect is giving away a free Android tablet - 8" Flytouch Android Tablet. Entering our giveaway is really simple.

Complete either one of these to be eligible or both to double your chances of winning.

1) Follow @TabletConnect on Twitter, then tweet out a message:

“Follow @TabletConnect and RT this for a chance to win an Android Tablet. #TCcontest”


2) Like/fan the TabletConnect fan page on Facebook.

That is it. At the end of the contest, one winner will be picked from all the Twitter followers and everyone who likes our page on Facebook.

If you already are following us on Twitter and liking us on Facebook, you are already entered in the contest. If you are doing one or the other, do both so you can increase your odds. We will pick one person from both Twitter and Facebook.

For Rules & Conditions, click here.
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