The Eken M009S (any decent mods or hacks?)


Oct 10, 2011
I few months back I bought an Eken M009s, as it was pretty cheap and right there in my hands. Before that, I read tons of reviews, so I knew what I was getting into... a pretty generic heap with an incredibly low battery life. But the devil told me it was inexpensive enough, so I bought :)

Now I'd like to know if there are any firmware mods, other mods or hacks to get the thing to run better (or more interestingly) than the manufacturer intended. (They apparently hated their creation) It runs Wondermedia stuff. I've installed Eken's firmware update, and that went smoothly... I'd like to try something better (knowing that I can successfully 'flash' again if it doesn't work.)

Thanks all! Just point me in the right direction....