Greetings Everyone,
First-off, a little about myself:
I'm pretty familiar with the world of rooting/hacking/exploiting devices on multiple platforms, such as:
1. - Android (Rooting/Hacking/Custom Recovery, Kernals, Nandroids, Custom ROMs, etc.)
2. - Palm/HP WebOS (Developer Mode/WOSQI/PreWare/Custom Kernals/Patching/Themes, etc.)
3. - Blackberry (BBSAK/Vendor-Independent Custom OS/CODs/Themes, etc.)
4. - iPhone Jail-breaking (tethered/untethered) cydia apps, installous, etc.)
5. - HomeBrew/Exploiting of non-phone devices (Nintendo WII, Nintendo DS/I, Sony PSP), hell, even uncapping Motorola Surfboard Modems back in the day!
That all said, I'm pretty familiar with the whole scene. So although I'm no expert...I'm also not a complete n00b.
...except for Tablets, like the Nook Tablet!!! I'm still pretty much a n00b when it comes to tablets. I did assist a friend of mine in rooting here Viewsonic G-Tab a few months ago, but that's about it.
I just bought my son a Nook Tablet for Christmas and like all of the other devices, it's ready to be hacked.
With that said, I have all of the common questions that many first-timers do on the Nook Tablet, with the added experience that I can draw from.
So that said, can someone give me a 'quick n' dirty' breakdown or summary on where we are at today with the Nook Tablet in terms of rooting/hacking/exploits? Such points would include:
1. - Rooting; Are there multiple utilities out there, or is it all done through ADB?
2. - Custom Recovery: How many types of Custom Recovery choices are there for the Nook Tablet? My personal favorite is Xionia Clockwork.
3. - Custom ROMs: Are there tons of choices or only a few to choose from? Which ones are recommended? Which ones should I avoid?
4. - OTA Updates/Firmware Updates: As of right now, we have not even ran any system updates, because I wanted to make sure that I knew what I needed to before hand, to avoid risking any potential updates that could nuke my ability to root. So that said, is there a set of update versions that are more compatible than others? Should I update the Nook Tablet right away or should I avoid OTA updates like the plague? Is there an OTA update that could nuke my ability to root or load Custom ROMs?
5. - Will Android ICS become available for the Nook Tablet?
6. - What about the wonderful world of OverClocking?
7. - Any other helpful tips that will get me started on the right track??
Thank you all!!!

First-off, a little about myself:
I'm pretty familiar with the world of rooting/hacking/exploiting devices on multiple platforms, such as:
1. - Android (Rooting/Hacking/Custom Recovery, Kernals, Nandroids, Custom ROMs, etc.)
2. - Palm/HP WebOS (Developer Mode/WOSQI/PreWare/Custom Kernals/Patching/Themes, etc.)
3. - Blackberry (BBSAK/Vendor-Independent Custom OS/CODs/Themes, etc.)
4. - iPhone Jail-breaking (tethered/untethered) cydia apps, installous, etc.)
5. - HomeBrew/Exploiting of non-phone devices (Nintendo WII, Nintendo DS/I, Sony PSP), hell, even uncapping Motorola Surfboard Modems back in the day!
That all said, I'm pretty familiar with the whole scene. So although I'm no expert...I'm also not a complete n00b.
...except for Tablets, like the Nook Tablet!!! I'm still pretty much a n00b when it comes to tablets. I did assist a friend of mine in rooting here Viewsonic G-Tab a few months ago, but that's about it.
I just bought my son a Nook Tablet for Christmas and like all of the other devices, it's ready to be hacked.
With that said, I have all of the common questions that many first-timers do on the Nook Tablet, with the added experience that I can draw from.
So that said, can someone give me a 'quick n' dirty' breakdown or summary on where we are at today with the Nook Tablet in terms of rooting/hacking/exploits? Such points would include:
1. - Rooting; Are there multiple utilities out there, or is it all done through ADB?
2. - Custom Recovery: How many types of Custom Recovery choices are there for the Nook Tablet? My personal favorite is Xionia Clockwork.
3. - Custom ROMs: Are there tons of choices or only a few to choose from? Which ones are recommended? Which ones should I avoid?
4. - OTA Updates/Firmware Updates: As of right now, we have not even ran any system updates, because I wanted to make sure that I knew what I needed to before hand, to avoid risking any potential updates that could nuke my ability to root. So that said, is there a set of update versions that are more compatible than others? Should I update the Nook Tablet right away or should I avoid OTA updates like the plague? Is there an OTA update that could nuke my ability to root or load Custom ROMs?
5. - Will Android ICS become available for the Nook Tablet?
6. - What about the wonderful world of OverClocking?
7. - Any other helpful tips that will get me started on the right track??
Thank you all!!!