The Latest Firefox Beta for Android is Beyond Impressive!


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
by Chinmoy Kanjilal | Wednesday, 16th May 2012 |

Mozilla had been attempting to create a perfect mobile browser for Android for too long now. Its Firefox for Android has always been sloppy with a laggy user interface and bugs all over it. For this reason, I have always preferred Opera Mobile on my Android phone, though, the latest Firefox beta for Android is set to change this. It is snappier, extremely responsive and it will blow your mind. It is a vast improvement over the default featureless Android browser and finally, it looks like Firefox is geared up to compete with leading Android browsers like Opera Mini, Chrome and Dolphin HD.

This latest beta version of Firefox is reported to support more devices than earlier, and it also boasts of performance improvements like faster scrolling, optimized memory usage and of course faster browsing! All in all, the once loathed Firefox for Android has managed to impressed everyone and frankly speaking, I too am sold!
Most of these performance improvements in the latest Firefox beta can be attributed to a new responsive UI, which is using the Android native UI instead of the earlier XUL based UI developed by Mozilla. The addition of a default Flash plugin in the latest beta received mixed reactions. Nonetheless, it is an item in the feature inventory. Text rendering, and panning and zooming have also been improved a lot. Here are some screenshots for your viewing pleasure.





There are still some unimplemented features in this beta version, like text reflow, selecting text etc. I call them unimplemented features because they should appear in any latest mobile browser, and this one is a beta, so it gets the benefit of doubt.

Grab the latest Firefox for Android beta at this page on the Google Play store. Read more about the latest Firefox beta on the Mozilla blog.
Aaaargh! !!
[h=3]This app is incompatible with all of your devices.[/h]
Spider said:
Must be a Market problem of some sort. That link takes me right to the d/l page.

Maybe because I already had it downloaded.
WHO is Frederuco wondering about? Answers please on the back of a Ten Dollar Bill.
BTW, does this FireFox support Flash?

The addition of a default Flash plugin in the latest beta received mixed reactions. Nonetheless, it is an item in the feature inventory.