The One 'Do I Buy This', 'What Do I Buy', 'I'm Looking For' Thread

@JetBlackStealth6687 If price is really a concern, Viewsonic gTablet or the eLocity A10 are your local alternatives. Do not smuggle a clone over what you can get locally.

I have found BOTH of those on TigerDirect and am liking them very much. I may just wait for a slight price reduction and then pull the trigger
xaueious- thank you for you suggestion ill take a look at it. If you have any other suggestions let me know. Like I said all ill be using it for is searching the web, youtube, documents, and ebooks. Either 7inch or 10 inch screen I think id like a 10inch. thanks!

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How to ask a good question

1) what you will be using the tablet for?
- Mostly for checking my emails, light web surfing, couple of apps (House Maintenance, Personal Assistant, Astrid, and some more like that), couple of games (maybe even Angry Birds! also as a reader with the Kindle app
2) how much you are willing to spend
- Around $300 to $350
3) if you have an idea, what the size of the tablet should be?
- I was thinking of a "7 (10" it's to big to carry around in my line of work)
4) how much you know about Android?
- Currently own a Sprint HTC Hero, I like it but I hate all the stupid space consuming apps installed by Sprint!
5) Please list your location somewhere.
- USA, Afghanistan maybe Lybia next!

I was reading the Barnes and Noble Nook color can be hacked and use as a tablet running Android Honeycomb.

Would it be fast enough or have good screen resolution?

Thanks in advance for the time and advice!
Sorry, I posted this in the introductions, but probablty shuld have put it here, so I've cut & paste my earlier post

I'm new to the forum and also to the world of tablets. After seeing a co-workers iPad in action I've decided to dip my toe in the world of tablet PC's and would love some advice on what direction to head. As I said, I'm dipping my toe, so I was looking at the cheaper end of the scale (Zenithink, Flytouch etc). My needs will be fairly basic, I'll be using it for reading newspapers books and magazines, watching the odd movie, surfing the net (ebay facebook etc), reading PDF and office documents, maybe skype, and if the handwriting recognition works, taking notes at meetings. I'd prefer a bigger 10 inch screen as my eyes aint what they used to be, my budget is around the $200 mark. I'll also add that I'm in Australia, and resonably computer literate

@Mezzavo I don't really know how Farmville plays. But I am guessing you will do fine to get the eLocity A7.

@diegoxcastro Nook Color is better. But you most likely wont be studying with an Android tablet.

@Rrok007 If cost is really a factor, your choices are one of the RK2818 tablets, the Coby, or a white Pandigital Novel.

@frazmarti I don't know yet.

@Kamadev You sound like you could try the Nook Color. But if you don't have the free time, your alternative is the Archos 70 IT. Both of these, I presume you will be able to ship from the US. I have no idea what you can get locally in the Middle East.

@caddisgeek I think the Viewsonic Viewpad 10s launched in Australia, it's a little overpriced for what it is though ($600?). But that would be about the only 10" you would reasonably pickup locally. Your requirements are actually pretty extensive for what an Android tablet can perform, especially with regards to hand writing recognition. I'd say a Gome Flytouch 2 is what you want given your price requirement. The problem is finding a reliable supplier for one. It wont be something you want to bring into a meeting.
Thanks for the reply xaueious. There are a couple of suppliers on Aussie ebay for the Flytouch. The hand writing recognition is a nice to have, not a need to have (more of extra excuse to buy one, "but dear, I can use it for work"). Don't worry about the meetings either, I'm a public servant, so no high profile power meetings here :)
Thanks for the tip xaueious! Farmville is a flash game on Facebook...sooo...yes, the eLocity looks to be the one. :)
1) what you will be using the tablet for?
- for home use. Want to be able to hook up to WIFI only don't need the 3g stuff. Be using it for facebook, email, youtube, forums, shopping, mostly search the web, ebooks, apps from the android market like angrybirds

2) how much you are willing to spend
- Around $300 to $350

3) if you have an idea, what the size of the tablet should be?
- I was thinking of a "7 really maybe 10 but I think 7 be fine for somthing to carry around easier.

4) how much you know about Android?
- Currently own a Sprint EVO Shift and love android

5) Please list your location somewhere.

Thanks for the suggestions

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1) what you will be using the tablet for? Music, Movies, GPS, Internet, Wifi, FM transmitter would be nice but not needed.
2) how much you are willing to spend? 200-300
3) if you have an idea, what the size of the tablet should be? 4.3" to 5" mainly used in the car
4) how much you know about Android, or just whether or not you are computer literate? I know Andriod OS pretty well. G1, G2 and EVO
5) Please list your location somewhere. Boston
1) what you will be using the tablet for?
I wanna call with it (so a sim-card holder), MP3, Youtube, Hotmail, Windows Live Messenger, Teamspeak 3 (if it can, don't know), Games and Wifi (3g would be nice).
2) how much you are willing to spend?
3) if you have an idea, what the size of the tablet should be?
4) how much you know about Android, or just whether or not you are computer literat.
Never had one before but i know everything about computers, mp3, mp4 etc so i will know everything about it in no time...
5) Please list your location somewhere. (You should really include it in your profile, by the way)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


@blando233 Galaxy Tab is $400 next month, if your budget is that high. Nook Color if you do not mind flashing your own firmware. Archos 70 IT to save money.

@sduong80 Your Evo is already 4.3", and does exactly what you need at that size. I would try a Nook Color if I were you.

@Odannyll Prices are not good in your area, but you are probably looking for the Viewsonic Viewpad 7 (ViewSonic ViewPad 7 prijzen | Core | Pricewatch) or the Huawei Ideos S7 (Huawei Ideos Tablet S7 prijzen | Core | Pricewatch). The Huawei should be potentially better because of an upcoming Android 2.2 upgrade that will enable Adobe Flash, and is actually listed at the same price.
Now is the galaxy tab just wifi? Because that's all I want is wifi

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I will likely pull the trigger on a sub$300 tablet like the Viewsonic or eLocity...

This is the solution I have in mind. Since I am looking to buy a wiFi only tablet I will run it @home off my wifi router and on the road off my Motorola d1 with the $30 mobile hotspot app installed. Does this sound reasonable?