The One 'Do I Buy This', 'What Do I Buy', 'I'm Looking For' Thread

Hi, I have pretty specific requirements... I NEED a capacitive multi touch screen. I've messed with resistive and I hate them. I want at least a 1ghz processor, 512mb ram, USB host(if not directly on it at least with an adapter), preferably standard SD card but I realize they all seem to be microsd. Screen size isnt that important but I do prefer the 7". And most importantly imdont want to spend more than 150. I'm ok getting the Chinese knockoffs as long as there is a good hacking community behind it. Thanks
I'm also looking into the Archos 101 and would like to know if it is a good gaming device or good enough to multitask. I'm a proud Droid owner for a while now so the Android OS is simple for me. I don't wanna spend more than $350 for a tablet but want as much power I can get at that price.

10" for bigger screen and ability to see more.
16GB Storage is MORE than enough for my needs.
I would use it for everything: movies, gaming, browsing, reading, music, networking admin, etc. EVERYTHING!

After much debating, I have finally decided to spend the extra money and grab an Acer Iconia A500. I saw one in the store and after playing with it for a bit as well as the Archos 101, I want the Acer!!! Now, if only my wife gets the hint that this is the love of my tablet life.
hi i bought a samsung tablet galaxy tablet P1000 but i dont know how to open the front camera please help me. and also where can i download skype?
I'm looking for recommendations on a 10 inch tablet.

Must have:

Android 2.3
512 MB RAM
10" Capacitive Screen (multitouch not essential)/ 1024x600 (or something close)/ 16:9/16:10 format
SD card slot (micro/mini/full size, doesn't matter)
2-Axis/4 Direction G-Sensor (3-Axis/6 Direction/3D G-Sensor would be better)
At least 1 USB Host port
Removable Battery - Minimum 3-4 hour battery time with WiFi on.

Internal storage size doesn't matter to me as long as I can access files/media/apps without lag from the SD card port.

A decent processor. As long as it can handle web browsing, flash, video playback, PDF's, etc... at full speed that's all I really need. I don't want any lag as a result of the processor not being powerful enough.

GPS is a plus.

The ability to add 3G/4G by USB is good, internally is better, but neither is essential.

The less it costs the better, but I want reliable hardware, I don't want a dead tablet in 3-6 months of normal use. A company that issues firmware/Android updates is a big plus.

On a scale or 1-10 on technical competence, I'm probably a 7 or 8, so I can handle just about anything software that doesn't require soldering or a JTAG.
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here are the links for possible android 2.3 upgrades i am considering. I currently have a Haipad running 2.1, which i love because it is multitouch and quite responsive. But the battery life is poor.


option 2 http://www.***************/samsung-s5pv210-cortexa8-android-22-tablet-pc-mid-netbook-l722-p-620.html

Option 3]7" Capacitive tablet pc Android 2.2 gps bluetooth Mid on eBay (end time 16-Jul-11 14:55:19 BST)
Samsung S5PV210 Cortex-A8 Android 2.2 Tablet PC MID Netbook L722 Babiken Samsung S5PV210 Cortex-A8 Android 2.2 Tablet PC MID Netbook L722 [BI-L722]

Option 4

Samsung S5PV210 Cortex-A8 Android 2.2 Tablet PC MID Netbook L722 Babiken Samsung S5PV210 Cortex-A8 Android 2.2 Tablet PC MID Netbook L722 [BI-L722]

[/URL]Has anyone purchased any of these yet???:confused:
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Morning all!

I would love to join the ranks of android tablet users out there, but I'm having trouble deciding what to buy as I'm new to the droid/tablet scene. I'm looking for an inexpensive tablet that has good support or a strong community of users that can answer questions when I get stuck. I'm a fairly competent PC user (i.e. I built my own and provide IT support at work), but most of my experience is with Windows-based software and tech.

I want to be able to use the tablet mostly for playing flash-based games and watching streaming content (Netflix or similar) from the internet. I know that flash support is a huge hit-or-miss with android tablets, so your help with this would be great. I would really like to spend less than $200 if possible. There are a lot of great top-of-the-line tablets out there (Xoom, Iconia, Galaxy), but I really don't want to spend $500+ right now. I just want something that I can play with and see whether or not Android is for me! From what I've read, I'm looking for a tablet with these requirements:

Flash support
800mhz CPU
256mb of RAM
2GB of storage with option to increase with additional cards
7in screen
HDMI out

1ghz CPU or more
512mb of RAM or more
4GB or more of storage with option to increase
8in or larger screen
Capacitive touchscreen
Sub-$200 pricetag

Right now, I'm considering the COBY 7015 ($139), 7024 ($164), or 8024 ($179), the Plexon Superpad 2 ($195), & the Sylvania SYTAB10MT ($185).

I just got a Sylvania a few weeks ago. For the price (I paid $220) and the features, it can't be beat.

I also rooted it, backed it up, and installed the Android Market on it (it comes with SlideME) and a new keyboard app.

Everything is good so far...this time.

I'm on my 4th unit, because I keep rooting them and installing stuff like crazy...but I've been keeping track.

I think I have the issue nailed down to a bad apk being installed while permanently rooted for an app that's needed for the rooting process.

This last time, I used a different app, only rooted temporarily, and have had no issues yet.

Edit: Oh, and the screen works so well that you'd almost think it was a capacitive screen...almost.

I'm looking for a inexpensive tablet to get started with.

I came across this deal on (Android 2.2 Michley/Tivax Tablet with 10 Inch HD Touchscreen + WiFi - No Tax, No Shipping for $195.00 + free shipping - electronics, tablet, android, ipad, ipad2 - Deals.Woot).

This seems like a good deal, but I'm not familiar with the company. Does anybody have any experience with them?

Those specs are good except the ram. That 256 mb of ram will come back to bite you in the butt

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
What I'm looking for is a sub $350
all the usuals (censors -- blue tooth -- wifi -- flash --- 512k+ RAM -- 4GB+ on board --- Expansion slot microHCSD --- etc)
Actually feel like it has some quality to it
Must be able to run NETFLIX (if root is needed that's fine)

I also understand that HTC intends on releasing a new line of tablets - 10" is one of them - (htc is usually friendlier with the rooting and running netlifx)

So far the Archos 101 is my best option, but I was wondering if I was missing anything else?

But I'd like to have the tablet before the holidays. Maybe end of the summer the latest (HTC most likely won't have the tablets by then since the mentioned line has only been a rumor).

Doh, that didn't save. I did a search and found no hits. Looking for this ..

Cheap, inexpensive 7" tablet running Android 2.1+. It'll be used as part of a home automation remote so it only needs to run XMBC, AutoM8, and Gmote. It won't need to be able to play Flash or videos. It'll literally be just a remote control (glorified) via wifi. Battery life doesn't really need to be too good, as it'll only be off the cord for a little bit (ie: moving to the kitchen).

Cost Range: Trying to stay under $125 (the cheaper, the better!)
Knowledge: Proficient in flashing and doing the necessary ADB commanding/etc for this stuff.
Location: Las Vegas, NV - willing to order abroad (China/etc).
Size: 7"

I bought a Nook Color on sale ($180) for the task, but that thing was way too nice to use for this purpose after I dove a little bit deeper into it. It has a serious risk of having a beer spill on it, so I want something that doesn't hurt the bank incase of that happening.
Hey everyone,

First time tablet buyer. Right now I see myself using it for: (this may change once I own it) some gaming (angry birds, flight control, etc), youtube videos, internet browsing, email, possibly light MS Office work, listening to MP3's.

Android 2.2+
800mhz CPU
512mb RAM
4GB internal storage
microSD or SD card slot
7" screen
ability to connect external USB hard drive
less than $200

Capacitive touchscreen (this would be a big plus)
10" screen

I've found this one so far and I think that's the front runner: Flytouch 3 Android Tablet with Android 2.2 OS, Built In GPS, 10 Inch Touch Screen, Superpad Wholesale Flytouch 3 Android Tablet, Flytouch 3 with GPS, 10 Inch Android Tablet - US$148.99 :

or this one:
and this one with a capacitive screen: http://www.china

Your thoughts? Thanks in advance!
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Researching androids for a possible purchase soon. Friend has the acer transformer and loves it but now trying to find the best for me. No rush to purchase anything right away so if it's worth waiting for a new device let me know. I'm definitely looking forward to the nVidia Kal-el chip.

1) Will be using the tablet for everything. Synology NAS management. Possible home automation (in the future). Network administration (if even possible with the android os). Wireless music management for my music throughout my house. All the other normal things; music, HD video, eReader, g-sensor, gps, bluetooth, Adobe Flash, etc... I'm a very high power user and will be wanting the best wifi or 4g (lte) tablet on the market at the time of purchasing.
2) price doesn't matter as long as I'm not compromising any features.
3) The size thing really is a big deal, but I honestly don't know what size I prefer over another. I would have to play with the available sizes and figure it out.
4) Used to know a lot about android but haven't kept up with it. But I'm in the technology world as a profession, so I am an overall advanced user.
5) Cincinnati, OH

Don't know much about the 4g tethering and options but need to read more into that for the future. I currently have an iPhone 4 and am really wanting to get away from Apple, hell I hate even owning an apple product, but the iPhone is great. I'd like to go 4G Verizon once their LTE network gets more expansive. So I'd like to start investing in the Android realm. I'm already testing Chromium so hopefully I can wrap it all together at some point.

Any feedback would be so sweet to have. You can only read so much biased reviews. Glad this community is available from professional viewpoints.

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