The One 'Do I Buy This', 'What Do I Buy', 'I'm Looking For' Thread

So after dealing with Ainol and the out of stock Auroras and a "floating" release date for the updated model, I decided to cancel my order for one because I don't plan on waiting 1-2 months.

So now it's down to this.... Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet? I'm leaning more towards the Nook Tablet because it has a Micro SD slot... which is great!.... however the Fire has the Gorilla glass screen. Both have 512 megs of RAM and both have a dual core CPU, and both have Gingerbread.

Which one should I go for? Price doesn't matter anymore when it comes to these two.... I made some money today selling some stuff, so now I have $200 to work with.
Ended up going with the Nook Tablet. For $199, it's a pretty impressive device.....1GHz Dual core, 512 megs of RAM, SD card slot, IPS screen...Gingerbread (which will probably be updated to 3.0 or 4.0 by B&N soon)

I considered the Fire, but the fact that it lacked the SD card slot was the dealbreaker. I simply need the comfort of knowing I can have more storage space if I need it! I have to say, I'm certainly content with my purchase and I can't wait to get it!
I'm looking for a tablet that I can use mainly in my car.
Must have bluetooth for music/movies and the ability to tether to or mirror my cellphone (EVO 4G) to get GPS.
I'd like to get a cheap chinese one and upgrade the os to android 4.0 if thats possible (or get one that already has it installed)
7-8" possibly more and under $200.
What about the Nook color? Or am I better off with a Chinese tablet?
Hi All

Just wondering if someone could advise me what should i be looking for to confirm that a tablet has GPS. I wish to use this for my car for sat nav and Torque! Is this a chipset etc? Most dont seem to mention it in their specs!


So..a couple weeks ago I dropped my Acer Iconia a500 down the stairs -.- and it broke badly. I sent it to Best buy for repairs and such...they said they couldn't fix it, so they offered me a exchange...since the a500 is discontinued, I now have to find a new tablet. When I initially went in there, they said I had $450 to spend on a tablet in credit, I was like SWEET... Ipad 3 or Transformer prime. The next day I came back, they said they made a mistake...and i actually only have $350 in credits. I was like -.- So anybody know a good for $350-$400 that is available at Best buy? That is similar or better then the a500? I was looking at the Eeepad transformer and the Galaxy Tab 10.1 ...any more suggestions would be great.
Alright, so I have been browsing Amazon for good tablets for a few days and one brand seems to pop up a lot. Coby. They seem to get decent reviews for budget tablets, so I'm really thinking about getting one. The thing is, I'm not sure which one to get.
There are a few things I want to do with a tablet that i'm sure a lot do already, and some things maybe only a few do. I am looking for a tablet for $120 or less on Amazon or Ebay, and it has to be new.

*Internet browsing- Mainly Youtube, Imgur, Gamefaqs, Amazon. not really much else. If I do it'll be on this PC
*watching decent quality movies, downloaded Youtube videos, etc. I also do a bit of PC game recording, so I'd like to be able to watch my 720p videos with some nice clarity.
*games- I love playing games, it's my main hobby. I play mostly PC games, but I would really like to try something portable. Oh, and my wife loves Angry birds, most Popcap/Big Fish games, and my wife and daughter love Plants vs. Zombies.
Myself, i love RPG's, so having some of those would be a huge bonus. I also love NES, SNES, N64 games, so the ability to use emulators would be nice.
*something to test my games out on. I am trying to develop my own 2D games for PC and Android OS, so being able to copy the .exe file over(or however you would do i) and testing it out would be awesome.
*decent camera - I sell my stuff on Amazon and Craigslist so being able to use my tablet to take pics is great.
*something I can root and get more apps on.
*books/magazine. I NEED to be able to read books from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I also need to be able to look at color pdfs and be able to zoom or enlarge.

I won't be editing video, unless it's easier than PC. I won't be making calls or chatting. I won't be shooting videos that often, maybe just bdays, etc.

If these are possible on a Coby Kyros or something similar that has good reviews for $120, then awesome. If not, and I have to save up just a little more, maybe I can go as high as $140. I plan on getting a 16gb MicroSD card/adapter and a USB adapter as well.

Edit: I'm not sure if this is evident or not, but What I'm asking is WHICH coby Kyros is best, not IF the Kyros is good. And "7 or "8 screen is plenty, although I'm not sure which resolution is better for mobile computing(4:3 or 16:9)
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I'm looking primarily for an eBook Reader. I'll be using the tablet in the dark and it must be completely silent. So, the other issue is size and resolution. I think a 10" would be too big (I'd be lying on my side reading) and I would guess that a 7" would be a little bit too small but I'm open to suggestion and experiences from other eReader users. I found this soon-to-be-released android ICS tablet:

Sweex Yarvik GoTab Gravity 8 inch Tablet (Cortex A8 1.2 GHz, 512MB RAM, 4GB Memory, Android 4.0.3): Computers & Accessories

and it seems to be about right. The screen is 800x600 for an 8" display. Is that ok for an eBook reader which is 8" or do I need a higher resolution? Do these type of tablets make a noise at all? Do they have fans? I can not abide any noise when reading, so that may be a problem?

thankyou all.
I am looking for a tablet with a lot of dev support as I am really into rooting and modding my android devices. I am willing to pay $200 for a tab with multi-touch, front&back camera, USB, plays music, etc.
Mainly, I will be using this tablet for playing around with developing themes and ROMs. But when I am not doing that I would want a tablet with good graphics for playing games from Google Play Store.
What do I buy?

Hi All,

I'm confused.. I'm looking for a simple/inexpensive tablet that will primarily be used for OBDII vehicle diagnostics. First thing.. It has to have Google app store so I can install the apps I all ready purchased on my Google phone. I see a lot of tablets have their own "app store". Second and third, it has to have Bluetooth and WIFI. Screen size, memory, speed is not all that important.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Perhaps I am not only stupid but BLIND! I see that there are many, many questions here as to which Tablet one should buy - but I see NO replies or specific answers! Am I missing something. Perhaps a kind soul can answer this OLD man, how to get to the answers. Thanks.
Perhaps I am not only stupid but BLIND! I see that there are many, many questions here as to which Tablet one should buy - but I see NO replies or specific answers! Am I missing something. Perhaps a kind soul can answer this OLD man, how to get to the answers. Thanks.

Hi Vijaykhai. Sorry to hear that you are old, stupid and blind. I agree with you about this forum though, my question was not answered either. Perhaps it would be more useful to have a separate thread for each question rather than one very very large thread. The biggest problem I have found with one very big thread is that it's not searchable. My question has probably been answered many times but I can't search through 150 pages to get my answers. I did manage to get my answer by breaking the forum rules and starting a seperate thread. Good luck, sounds like you need some ;)
Hi! I see some people have not listened to you saying to just post in here about help with buying a tablet. But I figured I'd start here. And fingers crossed Someone will help me :)

1) Drawing, reading (both ebooks, and web pages, like fanfiction), writing, watching shows (via stream like youtube and other sites), listening to music, video chatting, e-mail, pictures
wifi, google play, amazon kindle, evernote, camera 360, pano
It'd be nice if i were able to take a screen shot as well.
what you will be using the tablet for. list any features you need, such as g-sensor, gps, bluetooth, Adobe Flash, or any specific apps
2) $420 is the most I can spend.
3) I love the look of the ten inches
4) I know a bit about android. I used to have an ipod touch, but switched to android a year ago. I love that you can customize it more. I love Go Launcher. I can figure out my way around a tablet, laptop, and phone pretty well. I'd like access to the android market. I don't think i'd be happy if I couldn't use most of the apps i've purchased for my phone on my tablet.

I am worried about one thing. I was looking at the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. I'm not stuck on the Samsung, but it was one that caught my eye. But it says it doesn't have any storage expansion. I'm used to putting a microsd card in my phones to put my music and pictures on. And with my HTC Thunderbolt, i use it for extra apps. I'm a bit worried i'll run out of space rather quickly. And i'd like to be able to use some kind of stylus for when i'm writing and drawing.

This tablet will be the only one I buy for a few years. So, i want to make the best purchase possible for the money i'm spending.
5) I'm located in Northwest Pa, USA

Also, don't care to have it connected to a contract. I wont be using it in my car. I will only use it with wifi. Bluetooth isn't a must either. and HDMI would be nice, but not a deal breaker.

I spend a lot of time in a hospital bed, so I'm hoping this will be a lot more portable for me. And the hospitals all have wifi where I go!

Any help would be grately appriciated. I'm a bit overwhelmed, and on a fixed income, so this is a very important buy. A couple of different options would be wonderful! Thank You so much for taking the time to help me out!
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Ok. I'll be the first one.

Here's what I'm looking for:

Flash, Wi-Fi, and multi-touch. 7-10 inch size should do the trick. Preferably a budget model since this is for my children. So far, the least expensive I've found is aPad A8 at $160ish, but I'm not sure that it's capable of multi-touch. I have rooted a Droid Eris, following well-laid out and simple instructions. I'm comfortable rooting a device if I need to in order to increase functionality. However, I would need a robust dev community who has clear instructions laid out and volunteer support ready to answer questions. I know some devices are more hack-friendly than others. I'm even ok with waiting until March/April to see what shakes out in the up and coming market.

Any suggestions?

This is this tablet I got on Amazon: 7" A10 CPU Cortex A8 1GHz Android 2.3 Ultrathin 5-point Multi-touch Capacitive Tablet PC WiFi: Computers & Accessories. It's a good tablet (although it doesn't have GPS built in, but I can use my phone for that). I got if for around $130 a few weeks ago and the price seems to keep dropping. Hope this helps.
Hi! Im new and figured Id start here.

I run IT for a huge university in baltimore. many times a day i get emailed ppt files and am requested to put ppt onto a classroom pc and project it. I also will need to transfer files to a mac every once in a while via bluetooth.

I need a tablet,
-that can run and recognize most audio and video,
-transfer files from PC to tablet HD/SDcard and back again via USB cord
-transfer files to mac via bluetooth
-be able to surf the net, and not run into issues

Must have (Dealbreakers):
at least 1 ghz single core
at least 1 gb ram
at least 1 mini usb
good wifi
android 4.0 or Windows7
android market
capacitive touch screen
expandable sd/mini SD slot

would be nice, but not needed:

the cheaper the better. 300 is max limit.

I dunno if i should wait for the Asus Nexus, or save $ and buy a no-name.
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