Thor A500 ROM v14.2 - Android 3.2.1

Hello guys, could use some help please....scenario:
have a new A500 16GB with a 32GB SD I never let it upgrade, so it was/is 3.1. I installed all my apps, etc. including Acer Recovery.

I used Iconiaroot to root the tablet, but it seems it installed the 2.XX su binary as I got a complaint when running Titanium. Either way, upgraded it to su 3.x

Then I used AR to install Clockworkmod and was able to do a boot into it.

I had already put the gen2 zip on the SD, and then I put the Thor one on there.

I went into the install procedure, and when I tried to pick a zip, all that showed up was:


no zip file to choose?

Don't know what I hit, but when the A500 rebooted it was running the Gen2 rom? I had to reenter all the info like a new tablet, but I never chose the option to install gen2 as it didn't show it either.

I don't know how it installed gen2 although I was unable to see the file, and how if it could do that, that I am unable to find Thor?

Thanks for your patience with a semi-newbie

ps: when I look at my SD directory structure compared to the example youtube video (above), he is putting the zip in a microsd directory, but when I access my microsdhc from my PC, I don't see the directory structure that he has...??
Wait! There's no reason to downgrade in order to root in 3.2. See here for easy way.
Be sure to follow comment about how to fix bad test.cmd file.
Wait! There's no reason to downgrade in order to root in 3.2. See here for easy way.
Be sure to follow comment about how to fix bad test.cmd file.

I rooted the iconia as per link provided by jpinsl, after that i was able to install Acer recovery installer (ARI). then I turned off the iconia and tried to get into CWM by presseing the vol+ and power button. i got the android logo with an exclamation mark in a triangle. then rebooted the iconia and ran the recovery installer. in that i ran the cwm removed the cached, removed the dlavink cache, cleared battery status, but was not able to see the so got out of the cw rebooted the iconia and then ARI was gone, since then the androind market says ARI is installed, yet i do not see it on my iconia. all the steps to reinstall ARI failed, the market says it is installed on the device. went to thor's website download the recovery installer 1.6, installed SDK i can go into the adb, tried the steps listed by thor nothing happens, can some one post some more detailed steps atleast how to reinstall teh ARI app on the rooted iconia. also the ARI says that downloading of the rom image is a premium thing, so how can i install the thanks
update so my mistake, went to android market and finally installed recovery installer. ran the application it said "Custom unknown rom".
Selected Clockwork mod option and cliked on install recovery iimage.
now recovery installer says clockwork revovery rev1.3.4 by thor200pro.
the clockworkmod does not sees the thor xxx xxx in the root of SD card or in the microSD directory of SD-card.
update so my mistake, went to android market and finally installed recovery installer. ran the application it said "Custom unknown rom".
Selected Clockwork mod option and cliked on install recovery iimage.
now recovery installer says clockwork revovery rev1.3.4 by thor200pro.
the clockworkmod does not sees the thor xxx xxx in the root of SD card or in the microSD directory of SD-card.
rev 1.3.4 is way outdated you should be useing rev 1.6, visit tegraowners for new version...
All right finally got it? it recognized the Thor from the usb drive. couple of things which needs to be cleared up
I lost the apps 'Clearfi', 'ereading','Games', 'Multimedia','Social'. the links to them are there but apps are gone, what should I do the get rid of them? alternatively can i link these to some from teh Apps galery.
the OP HD87 showed such a nice images, how can i do that?
how can i change the background image to the image of my choice.
Super smooth ROM, tried many and settled on this one VERY IMPRESSED, GOOD WORK !! no problem in flashing.

Just tried this one. Was a pain to root, cuz i've got to revert the rom to a unstable 3.0.1. Still, everything was all right =D mmm im enjoying now the rom, gonna test and will update :D.
By the way is someone having this "portrait" issue in the dead space game? i wasable to run it in the 3.0.1 without problems, but with the 3.2 i cant run the game in landscape mode, even if i lock the screen orientation changer. Anyone? xD

Thnx BTW
Hello all, (and forgive my noob'ness - see later)

Followed all the directions and after getting out of my own way successfully installed the new ROM. Now for the noob question. How do I sync my Outlook Calendar/Contacts like I used to have before the new ROM? I see my Acer now thinks it's an ASUS. Do I use the ASUS Suite for the syncing process?
Nice ROM, but the free ram memory fell from around 400mb before rooting to around 300mb now. Any ideas why is that so? There are no apps running in the backround to kill.
I have questions regarding loading of the ebooks, in the stock rom you can copy the ebooks to the nook folder and then point the any of the ereaders to the folder. now i am lost. also playing videos has become a little hasle since the asus video player is not working for me.