Tipstir's | Tablet Zone ROM MOD WMT2xxx | 11/7/10


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2010

Direct Download: tablet_zone_scriptwmt2x.7z

Tweaked for speed and performance ROM MOD for those users who can't use ePad Deluxe, Extreme or Extreme Plus under WMT2xxxx ROMs
Note: Basic Apps included.
still, sleep mode won't work!

when u push power on/off button tablet won't asleep. and then wake up with lock screen like on iphone

Yes Hibernation is one of the features that is disabled in this feature. Got to give-up some features to get kick out some more performance.
Tipstir GREAT, Great, great!
Now my tablet's UI is really fast! I did CaffeineMark for you - 386 with last Zianna firmware, 381 with your firmware. But the UI is more responsive with your firmware. There is Youtube working and browser is so fast now. Unfortunatelly there is no android market.
Thanks a lot for all this!
I'm trying now video test.

Wow !
It works and there is even a quick, but camera not working, and sleep mode too.
However, this is an alternative to oryginal or zianna123
Camera should work that's not disabled. Yes sleep mode is disabled hibernation but it does shut down you just have to configure it to do so.This is tweaked version.
Excuse the camera work. It amazes me the speed of the "Tipstir's | Tablet Zone ROM MOD WMT2xxx | 11/7/10 "
Well done
Waiting for more mod WMT2xxx :)

I'm after one day a big fan of the rom. It is super! I would recommend it to anyone who has the tablet. Good job!

Tipstir's | Tablet Zone ROM MOD WMT2xxx | 11/7/10
Overal score 385

Zianna123 mod
Overal score 361
Last edited:
Can you test the newest one you should get..


The above came from Extreme version
Hey Guys,

Tipstir recommended me this ROM for my flytouch-like pad (but 8" screen and 800x600 resolution). I read it has no market?
How do you get the market back then? Or how can I install programs without market?

Tipster, would you be able to tweak some of the ROMs to test on a 128MB tablet? I understand it's a matter of switching one line in the scriptcmd to 109 instead of 237. I'd do it if not for the fact that I'm on a Mac and can't figure out how to edit and save the file. can I use a text editor? I read about Mkimage, but that is for windows.

Hi Tipstir, I'm new to this internet tablet thing (my device is generic, 256mb, 2gb, pin type connector, wmt 2.1.2_105, kernel 2.6.29-00236-g4f8dbbb-dirty) but not so new with android. is it possible to upgrade the OS from donut (1.6) to eclair or froyo? (i think it should, coz my other android device could done it ..) .. do u have refferences on this matter?
I'll share the result.. btw when you're typing CM3 in your similar post is refer to CyanogenMod 3 ..?