Titanium Backup on MID7022


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2011
Just thought I would share my experience with getting titanium backup on the 7022.

You have to be rooted as the app states. I had to copy the apk from my phone over to the tablet as the market from the tablet can not find it. Once I did this I installed it. The app would only find five apps. It would also not allow me to do anything. I figured out that busybox was not installed. After many hours messing around with busy box I found that the easiest way to install it was with busybox installer found in the market. It will automatically install the latest busybox where it needs to go. Once this is done go back into titanium backup and it will work. I hope this helps someone else out as it took me a while to figure it out.
You forgot to add you need to set Titanium Backup to use busybox on tablet not the one included with TBP