To Root or Not to Root?

Roger, pardon my ignorance but I'm not sure anyone has manually rooted 1.1.0 yet. Seems reasonable...I just don't recall if I've heard about it.

I should probably also note (not sure if you know) that there is a rooted version of 1.1.0 available. Unfortunately, you might be picking up on a vibe from Vic and me that we'd prefer to hold off on installing the rooted 1.1.0 (it's easy once ClockworkMod Recovery is working), while others have had only positive experiences with it. I hope we haven't unintentionally influenced you to avoid 1.1.0 (unless of course you take a similarly conservative view of "fresh" updates...I think you've joked about blocking those OTA's!).

On the other hand, some are happy to jump in, and for those owners, the only major difficulty is keeping the stock 1.1.0 from installing itself during the rooting process (as you're experiencing). I also think there's a good chance that we'll see an autonooter version of 1.1.0 in a week or two (my prediction, admittedly, based on how quickly the 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 versions were produced). If that happens, people who pick up the Nook once that's available will say "WOW, this whole rooting this is SO EASY!!!"

Like I told Sue, if you'd bought your Nook 1 or 2 weeks ago, you'd have been able to casually upgrade, without having to beat off the latest OTA update. I guess it's not much consolation, but ride out that storm and there'll be smooth sailing just ahead. :)

Like I told Sue, if you'd bought your Nook 1 or 2 weeks ago, you'd have been able to casually upgrade, without having to beat off the latest OTA update. I guess it's not much consolation, but ride out that storm and there'll be smooth sailing just ahead. :)

Exactly, she and I and Ashley just happen to have arrived at whatever the opposite of 'the sweet spot' is.
Another case of timing-is-everything (and doubly fitting for those of us stuck on something called CWR) :)
Just to throw my two cents in here... i bought my Nook, used McDonalds wifi for about an hour, went home, used my home wifi for awhile and then rooted... I never had an auto update and was able to root no problem. All of this happened on Friday (1/28).
i have the same problem as Roger i got my Nook this weekend and the OTA update put me at 1.1. I Flashed back to stock and sideloaded update to 1.0.1 and rooted. It went smoothly but now I can't figure out how to get Clockwork going without turning my wireless back on and the 1.1 update getting pushed on me and breaking the root. any help would be awesome.
Howdy! Welcome to the forum (I don't know you from, do I?).

If you've got some time on your hands, read up on installing ADB, which will let you install apps and modify your system via USB: NookColor USB ADB - nookDevs

i have the same problem as Roger i got my Nook this weekend and the OTA update put me at 1.1. I Flashed back to stock and sideloaded update to 1.0.1 and rooted. It went smoothly but now I can't figure out how to get Clockwork going without turning my wireless back on and the 1.1 update getting pushed on me and breaking the root. any help would be awesome.

I say make a run for it...get everything ready (open your market and get ready to search) turn on wifi, search for astro, download it, turn off wifi...from there you should be okay without wifi...just use astro to install rom manager,etc
OK I downloaded astro but its not showing up in the "extras" is that where it should be? I am new to android.
Beware the "extras". Apps don't show up there until after a reboot. :(

Have you tried installing a second launcher (homescreen)? When you do that it will come with an "app tray" and typically new apps show up right away there.

NM I just had to reboot. I am going to follow the thread on installing ROM manager and clockwork and then try the 1.1 and I'll let you know how it goes!
I am backing it up right now! So it worked. Do you possibly have the link to overclock the NC. I want to try that once I have a this all set.
There is a sticky in the technical subforum for the overclocking. Welcome and enjoy :)
Hi all,

I'm eventually just gonig to risk the wireless, but in the meantime, I'm plugging away at getting adb-wired running. Tried both methods, and ran into a hiccup in each (essentially seeing, but not recognizing as valid, the adb/usb....inf file) but maybe that'll be something I can work through tomorrow eve.

I'm learning a ton - just not quite enough.

til tomorrow
Hi all,

I'm eventually just gonig to risk the wireless, but in the meantime, I'm plugging away at getting adb-wired running. Tried both methods, and ran into a hiccup in each (essentially seeing, but not recognizing as valid, the adb/usb....inf file) but maybe that'll be something I can work through tomorrow eve.

I'm learning a ton - just not quite enough.

til tomorrow
Roger, let me give you a pointer that worked for me. I'm guessing you're in Device Manager, and trying to install the USB driver? If so, what I ended up doing it was ignoring the entries in Device Manager under Portable Devices and focusing instead on USB Controllers (bottom of the list). As I checked each of the entries in that bottom list, I found the Nook. When I attempted to update the driver using that entry, it stuck and everything flowed after that. You might give it a try!

Hi all,

I'm eventually just gonig to risk the wireless, but in the meantime, I'm plugging away at getting adb-wired running. Tried both methods, and ran into a hiccup in each (essentially seeing, but not recognizing as valid, the adb/usb....inf file) but maybe that'll be something I can work through tomorrow eve.

I'm learning a ton - just not quite enough.

til tomorrow

Roger, let me give you a pointer that worked for me. I'm guessing you're in Device Manager, and trying to install the USB driver? If so, what I ended up doing it was ignoring the entries in Device Manager under Portable Devices and focusing instead on USB Controllers (bottom of the list). As I checked each of the entries in that bottom list, I found the Nook. When I attempted to update the driver using that entry, it stuck and everything flowed after that. You might give it a try!


I found my nook in 4 places in the device manager...I deleted all four, deleted the .android folder, and re-stalling the adb pack from XDA...then when I plugged in the nook, it FINALLY showed up as an Android Device and ADB recognized it...only took me an hour to figure that out! I kept deleting two of the four(didn't see the other two lower on the device list)
Cool, I'll try both methods as soon as I suss out properties to see which drivers belong to NC.

Update: couldn't find anything under USB Controllers that mentioned Nook or Ereader in either titles or properties. Just a bunch of microsoft drivers, and of course the ones that interface the internal USB to the PCI system bus.

What were you guy's called?

Matt, when you got the fail, how did it show up? Mine failed at the point where you update the driver and point it to the xxxx.inf file in the SDK. It initially seemed to recognize it, and let me hit OK/Install, but then returned an error message saying the file wasn't valid. I redownloaded that file and repeated with same result.

I then went to the page where they mention the 'improved process' where downloading the ADB pack lets you skip steps 1-3. Not sure if that ever could have worked, because during extract, it didn't open 100% of the files, since some of them in that pak were older than in my manually downloaded sdk. I tried it anyway,but when I did the command line check of adb devices, the tool returned an empty list.

Gotta jet off to a meeting now but will check in this aftn or this eve.

thanks all

(this is actually semi-kinda-sorta fun, -- just eating too much time)

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