Top 10 Things to Make Your Pandigital Novel (White) the Best

Apr 19, 2012
I am not responsible for any harm you may cause to your Pandigital Novel. Please be cautious & do some research before any modifications.

1. Root it /Flash it - Go to, & look around for some enhancements & upgrades. Ive Upgraded my WPDN from Android 2.0 to Android 2.1 with new enhancements. This allows for more apps to be available to you & the enhancements help your system run better faster.

2. Install Startup Manager app - If your Pandigital is laggy its probably because you have many apps running on the startup that you dont even know about. This app lets you set the Novel startup apps. I suggest unchecking every startup program. This will definitely speed up your tablet & you never have to keep going back unless you install new apps.

3. Remove Homescreen apps/Widgets - I know it may be good to have all your apps right infront of you but its not. Having so many apps on the homescreen actually slows down your tablet. I suggest keeping 6 or less apps on the homescreen. Only keep the most important apps on the homescreen (Web browser, Settings, Music, Video, Weather Widget). Everything else you should keep in the slider.

4. Delete Unused apps - I know as a Tablet owner, you want apps but some go overboard. The pandigital Novel isnt the most powerful tablet. Any unessassary apps should be disposed of to keep the speed up.

5. Dolphin HD web Browser - By far the best Web browser you can get for the Pandigital Novel. Plenty of options, alot of customization, multiple tabs, very fast, unique gesture system for quick actions. Its just like a web browser on any computer. The speed is the best part. Also remember to use Mobile sites when available. Those sites with the ''M'' in the url are made for your portable devices. That means videos, fast loading, pictures etc are optimized for android.

6. Swiftkey Tablet Keyboard - I would recommend downloading a new keyboard. The stock browser can be flaky, exit out by going off screen slightly then you'll have to retype whatever you were typing. Swiftkey not only brings a beautiful design of Neon blue but also comes with a suggestion system. After using This keybaord , it picks up on your searches & presents suggestions of those words. It also wont exit out when you finger goes off the keyboard slightly.

7. Touch Calibration - Make sure if your having problems typing or getting accurate responses from the screen, go into settings & do a calibration. I recommenf using a pointy pen & being as accurate as possible when pressing the plus prompts. This will pay off in the long run. You will notice with your finger or Stylus that its alot more accurate making everything go smoother.

8. Buying a Screen Protector - If something falls on your screen, its likely it can cause a crack. Buy a Ipad screen protector & cut out a 7 inch tablet size plastic piece. Trust me, this will be worth it in the long run in avoiding damaging the screen. Also when you get the screen protector you can use regular pens & pencils as a stylus.

9. Turn off Animations & turn own brightness - The animations slow down your tablet. The brightness will drain your battery.

10. Tubemate - All Youtube lovers looking for a way to play Youtube in HD on your Pandigitial try Tubemate. Its the best app Ive come across. You can download or stream the videos. Plus its an option from the dolphin browser when you go to, they give you a option to open the video in Tubemate.

Now you should have a enhanced Pandigital that works faster than before online & offline.

Great/Usefull Apps to have on your Pandigitial:
1. Start Up Manager
2. Dolphin HD
3. TubeMate
4. Pandora
5. Google Voice (Free Texting)
6. TuneIn Radio
7. Offline Browser
8. Animated Wheather
9. Swiftkey
10. Amazon Appstore/Get Jar/ Slide Me

Sticky Request. Think This will be very useful for those interested in updating their pandigital Novel
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which zip file were you using? I have found that none of them lets google play work