Transfer Music from Android Tablet to iPod


May 16, 2011
I am considering buying an ASUS EEE transformer pad and docking station. I know that the docking station has 2 USB ports. I would like to download songs to the Tablet and connect my ipod nano(old model, no wifi) via USB to the ipod. Is there an app that can do this? I realize that I could use a PC as an intermediary, but I broke mine and plan on replacing it with the android tablet.

I have the same question. I have the Thoshiba Thrive (AT100), which comes with an USB port. I would like to sync podcasts to my iPod classic. Does anyone has some experience in that area?

Simply mount the phone or an SD card on the computer and drag and drop the music you want. I used a folder called Music on my SD card. Itunes can't manage the music the way it does with the iPhone or an iPod but the files will play just fine with the stock music player once their copied onto the phone.
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Yes it is possible, but you need an i tunes library in between. Fire up iTunes, import the songs from your droid into your itunes library, then sync. If you can find the media on your phone, you can probably move the whole folder over in one fell swoop.

I am not sure how drm is handled on your music. At worst, you would need to burn the songs, then re-import into iTunes.

The key is an itunes library in between- that is how music gets on the ipod. does not need to be apple purchased, just passed through their library system.

If you want an alternate method, and you have the files available, you can transfer them to the ipod using other methods, such as file browser or drop box. I believe both of them come with a player. The downside would be that the music would be outside of your regular music library, and searchable etc.

If you don't know how to make it, try to follow this: How to Transfer Music from Android to iPod
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