[TUTORIAL] ClockWorkMod Recovery for the TC979 Le Pan II tablets


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2012

Another Busy Day at LePanLand development, and more good news to report to all.

Thanks again to JCase, we now have a version of ClockWorkMod for the Le Pan II. This opens the door to custom ROM development, testing, patching, etc. An essential tool, and JCase made it for us.

Thanks also to dbaybay, adamvan2000, image from LePanLife, who were the brave first people to try it and assisted in getting CWM working. (I was in awe at watching them work in the irc channel last night. but brain fried after a full day of work, plus another 5 hours of debugging on MIUI Alpha project)

** Instructions and files you need below - this is a direct copy of JCase's Forum announcement.**

jcase said:
Feb 24 2012
Update to this method, I have made a working recovery, so I have changed this guide.

Not my fault if you break your device, don't ask me for help. Your fault if you use this, not mine.

So a while back image and dbaybay (seperately and about on the same day, ironic) asked me to look at this tablet, i put in a hour or so then got busy and forgot.

dbaybay hit me up today and asked me to give it another go.

Well, upon inspection I found the Le Pan 2 to be unlocked, just using a non standard device id for fastboot. I have built a recovery, flash the recovery, boot to recovery and flash the su update zip to get root.

Let start, we did this on linux but it should work fine on OS X and on windows if your install the correct drivers. I do not know how to use windows, so someone else can help on that. Don't ask me, because I honestly have no clue how to use windows (seriously please don't ask me, I just feel dumb when people do)


Root update:

(** Adamvan2000 Edit: Windows users will need thishttp://thalamus.ineige.org/misc/adb_fastboot_win32.zip version of fastboot for this to work. Download the zip file, extract the folder, and copy fastboot.exe to C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\ //adamvan2000 )

(Run this all as root on linux/osx, so do sudo -s first)

adb reboot bootloader

(lets wait until the screen is showing fastboot mode)

fastboot -i 0x16d5 flash recovery recovery_build3.img
fastboot -i 0x16d5 reboot

(lets wait for android to boot)

adb push Superuser-3.0.7-efghi-signed.zip /sdcard/
adb reboot recovery

(Now you can flash the Superuser-3.0.7-efghi-signed.zip from recovery and have root.)

This does not unsecure your boot image, as I didn't want to do that until a recovery was made. So yes, you have to type su to get root. Not a big deal.

I am not asking for, nor pressuring for the bounty, as the device was technically unlocked, no one had just figured out how to use it. If you do feel inclined to donate, by all means I will put it to a very good cause.

Paypal can be done by http://forum.xda-developers.com/donatetome.php?u=2376614

or sending to jcase@cunninglogic.com

or amazon gift card numbers are welcome too :p Diapers are expensive

EDIT : Feb 25 - Post updated with new recovery image, Windows users tools as per jcase's original edited post.

EDIT : Mar 4 - ClockWorkMod link revised to jcase's v.4 release (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8699733/lepad/recovery_build4.img)
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That image is just wrong. Can the roots at least be coming out of Andy's feet? ;)
:p Hadn't noticed, but you raised a good point.

Got a new one, instead. :)
Original post above edited and updated with simpler instructions and new tools now available.

The Rooted LP II Users Group is still very small, but it can be done - just follow the instructions, step by step, and use the linked tools and image files.

The hard work was done by jcase - thanks man. ;)