[Tutorial] CyanogenMod 7 Gingerbread - step by step installation Guide

I have some questions now. I can't install Google Currents. Also it seems that gmail isn't working. Keeps saying that it's waiting for sync

You would have to enable Apps Sync'ing by default - it's in the Settings. Also. make sure wifi is on and connected, I keep it off unless needed to save battery life.

I haven't used Google Currents, why can't you install it? Does it show in the Market at all for you? (sometimes Market thinks something is not compatible, etc, and won't show the app)

EllenLucas, thanks, glad to know the tutorial helped.

CM7 is so much nicer than the stock le pan firmware! :)

EDIT : Just went looking for Google Currents, and indeed the Market doesn't show it on my tablet - the page for it is HERE.

You might be able to tweak Build.prop and make it work with some different strings for brand, model, manufacturer. It only requires Android 2.2, so it should be listed.

** I just tried some Build.prop edits, and clearing market data/caches, no luck. It's possible it is only offered to USA users, like Google Music.
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I GMAIL to work. Restart was needed. As for Currents, It's only available to US. I downloaded several APK files but it just says not installed. I did have it on the tablet with the original ROM. Also, I noticed that it doesnt play any flash on the internet. Not sure. Glad I kept a backup.
luv2blze, thanks for confirming it's an USA only service for now.

I was a bit bummed for not getting it to work, after some build.prop wizardry even. :)

Now I know, lol. :)

Regarding Flash - yeah, I also have a problem with that. Flash 11.xxx doesn't seem to work as it should. I have a copy of Flash version 10.2 that came with the tablet HERE, if you want to try and install it.

Seems impossible to un-install version 11, I tried applying v.10.2 over it and it did not seem to work for me. It worked for others though. So maybe give it a try?
Yann2, You are the man!!! I got flash working with what you sent me. There's a program that I use that will remove ANY app, user or system. It's called System Tuner Pro! I uninstalled the Adobe that came with it and installed yours and POW flash vids!! Now I know that I won't be flashing back to Froyo. Google Currents is almost a deal breaker because I use it A LOT, but no Flash was too much. Let me know if you need that program and I'll email you the apk. It's one of the best tools for rooted devices.
luv2blze, wonderful. great! :)

Love to know it helped you. If you have a backup of your Google Currents pak, you might be able to install it - like if you did a Titanium Backup before installing CM7.

EDIT : Managed to get rid of Flash 11 (which is installed as a System App, and hard to remove) by using the QtADB Apps panel. Worked like a charm, then I could install Flash 10.2.

Some of my favourites on YT (Sassibob, XDA Devs channel) still not playing, but is seems to be due to bandwidth, all are HD.
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Glad it's working. I did back up my google currents with TB, but when I try to restore it, it just says restoring and nothing happens and I have to force close it. I really hope the developers can fix it, as Google Currents is one of my top 3 programs I use on the tab. I really don't care about the camera as I never use it. I also heard that beta 3.1 is out. Have you tried it out yet? If so, do you think I should upgrade to it?
3.1 is just a small update package to fix charging problems - you install it on top of a Beta 3 install, no need to delete caches or anything.

Should be done, as some people has some nasty problems with charging their tablets previously. It's linked in the Original Post in the CM7 Release thread.

Bummer that Google Currents did not want to work for you. Maybe get the apk, and try installing it via AirDroid? It's a great program, and might be able to get it installed for you.
Thanks man. I was still unable to install it with AirDroid as well. I'll wait for the final build and see what's up. I have 4 different APKs and none of them install. As for charging, I didn't have an issue. Battery seems fine too.
One last possibility - maybe QtADB could install it for you. But maybe there's a missing library affecting the install.

cas_xp recognized one missing library, it's posted in our CM7 development thread. I have a copy of it from CM7 Beta 2 if anyone is interested.
cas_xp continues to work on it, but it's a one man development team, so it takes time.

Looking forward to Beta 4 myself. :)

- Finally, it's time to install CyanogenMod 7. :)

From the main CWM menu, select 'Install Zip from SD card'. Then 'choose zip from sdcard', and navigate to the proper file, select the one you copied to the SD card earlier.

The Beta0 version filename is 'update-cm-7.2.0-RC0-griffin-sign.zip', this will change a bit as the project advances.

Currently, the latest version is the Beta 3 release - Download it here.

- After you finish writing it, use the 'Reboot' option on CWM main menu.

I have a question(first time doing anything like this ^). I downloaded both files here. One called "ClockWorkMod_for_CM7_griffin.zip" and "update-griffin-Beta3-sign". When the instructions say "select the one you copied to the SD card earlier" which one do I choose? Also I assume both these files need to be on the SD card right(lol)?
Thanks in advance.
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