Unknown Allwinner Tablet: Enable USB Host Mode


Junior Member
Jul 6, 2015
Okay ...

I've purchased Audio Evolution Mobile / DAW-Application on my Tablet and now I'm trying to buy USB Audio Recorder PRO through Google Play . It says on the Google Play page, that the program is not compatible with my device .

Now, I'd need to know how to fully enable USB host mode .
I've tried using USB Host Check-Utility and it says - android.hardware.usb.host.xml - not readable .
- tablet_core_hardware.xml - ok ... it appears that USB Host Mode is not enabled on this device . A fix attempt can not be performed because of errors .

- Zergei W -

The website below will allow you to download any free app from Google Play, just provide the web address and download the app/apk to your tablet/notebook and then sideload it, the app might not be compatible with you tablet but you can give it a go.



The website below will allow you to download any free app from Google Play, just provide the web address and download the app/apk to your tablet/notebook and then sideload it, the app might not be compatible with you tablet but you can give it a go.



I've succeeded in getting Audio Evolution Mobile to detect my Audio-HW (Phonic Firefly 808 Universal) ...
it says USB-Audio: Initialized, but everytime I press play or record it says, "failed to start playback / recording ... error starting playback / recording) . Support @ Audio-Evolution say, "That usually means that your Android device has no support for isochronous USB transfers." .

Now is there any of a way around this ? System software update or something ... ?

The Android has the following marketing specs ;

7'' Phablet Phone Call Tablet PC (1.5GHz, 512M RAM,4G ROM,WiFi,Webcam,Bluetooth,3000Mah Battery, GSM Phone Call

- Zergei W -