Unusual problem with tablet!


May 12, 2011
Not long after updating to 3.1 i started having an issue with my wi-fi. It would say scanning, then acquiring IP address and then flash something quickly, then return to scanning and start the process over again. I tried the reset button (which didn't work) and a factory reset twice (which would cause it to work for a few hours and then restart the problem all over again).

I spoke to a level 2 Acer tech (who said he had helped with this same issue multiple times today) who provided me with a few solutions if you are having the same issue:

1. use the reset button on the side of the tablet and then do it again right after the tablet reboots.

if that doesn't work:

2. plug in a usb keyboard while the tablet is under power then shut it down
  • press and hold the power button and the volume rocker that is closest to the corner of the tablet
  • hold both until the tablet reads "clearing cache" then release
  • the android robot should then appear
  • press the home button on the keyboard.
  • choose the third option
  • the tablet will do a few things and then select the first option
if that doesn't work:

3. unplug the keyboard and shut it down
  • press and hold the power button and the volume rocker that is closest to the corner of the tablet
  • once the tablet vibrates, release the power button but keep the volume rocker depressed
  • while keeping the rocker depressed, flick the rotation lock switch back and forth until the tablet reads clearing data.
  • the tablet should go through the options and reboot itself automatically.
I should inform you that none of these options worked for me and apparently the giveaway was that the robot had a caution symbol (the triangle with an exclamation mark inside)

I have to send my tablet in for repair which should only be 7-10 business days and i will update you when I get it back.

I hope this helps some of you if you happen to run into a similar issue with your tablet.
So sad that a consumer has to go through all this over an update, shame on you Google and Acer
Make customers wait for 3.1 and you don't even get the bugs out ...

I'm sure this post will help many people including myself as I have not yet gotten the 3.1 update....

Thank for posting it !!!!

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
It's worst than shameful....this is a new bug introduced with 3.1!

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
I had no problems of any kind when I updated the same day the update came out. There must be something else involved. I use it every day, one of my biggest uses being reading my newspapers. I have had mine for just over two months.
I must have been one of the lucky ones - I reset the tablet twice, and it connected OK. Still, there is no excuse for this type of bug.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Bugs happen. Plenty of people don't have this issue, so there is something about the units that do see this problem that is difficult to pin down. This is the nature of operating systems that run on devices that users can fiddle with and configure and modify as they please. Saying that there is no excuse for this to happen is to display a poor appreciation for what goes into making this type of tech work.
Bugs happen. Plenty of people don't have this issue, so there is something about the units that do see this problem that is difficult to pin down. This is the nature of operating systems that run on devices that users can fiddle with and configure and modify as they please. Saying that there is no excuse for this to happen is to display a poor appreciation for what goes into making this type of tech work.

How right you are on that point. Bug free systems and updates exist only in a fantasy world. Some bugs only show up in certain conditions along with certian installed programs. There are so many variables. That is the reason updates are quite often delayed.

I know as I have spend many years progamming before I retired.
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Not long after updating to 3.1 i started having an issue with my wi-fi. It would say scanning, then acquiring IP address and then flash something quickly, then return to scanning and start the process over again. I tried the reset button (which didn't work) and a factory reset twice (which would cause it to work for a few hours and then restart the problem all over again).

I spoke to a level 2 Acer tech (who said he had helped with this same issue multiple times today) who provided me with a few solutions if you are having the same issue:

1. use the reset button on the side of the tablet and then do it again right after the tablet reboots.

if that doesn't work:

2. plug in a usb keyboard while the tablet is under power then shut it down
  • press and hold the power button and the volume rocker that is closest to the corner of the tablet
  • hold both until the tablet reads "clearing cache" then release
  • the android robot should then appear
  • press the home button on the keyboard.
  • choose the third option
  • the tablet will do a few things and then select the first option
if that doesn't work:

3. unplug the keyboard and shut it down
  • press and hold the power button and the volume rocker that is closest to the corner of the tablet
  • once the tablet vibrates, release the power button but keep the volume rocker depressed
  • while keeping the rocker depressed, flick the rotation lock switch back and forth until the tablet reads clearing data.
  • the tablet should go through the options and reboot itself automatically.
I should inform you that none of these options worked for me and apparently the giveaway was that the robot had a caution symbol (the triangle with an exclamation mark inside)

I have to send my tablet in for repair which should only be 7-10 business days and i will update you when I get it back.

I hope this helps some of you if you happen to run into a similar issue with your tablet.

I have the EXACT same issue w/ my acer tab a500... did sending it in work???
is it worth the 7-10 days?
It didn't take my passphrase (unlike my phones) and exhibited this behaviour. I entered the hex code instead, and it connected straight away...but still refused to get an IP. Stumped, I gave it a static IP outside my dhcp range, and it connected instantly and has been rock solid this evening, through several reboots. Running older Buffalowhr54g w/ DD-WRT.
I have to send my tablet in for repair which should only be 7-10 business days and i will update you when I get it back.

I had the same problem, and support also told me I had to send my unit back for repairs. When I told them this was NOT an acceptable solution (I'm leaving on vacation and I bought the tablet to take on this vacation), they suggested a factory reset. Wiped out all my apps, settings, etc., but my tablet now connects to wifi. This was several days ago and I've rebooted. Still working.

So...if they tell you you have to send it back...that's not exactly correct. Don't give in easily.
I have the same thing. Hitting the reset a couple times helps. That's not an acceptable by any means, but it works.

Sent from my A500
MetaMs is correct, I had the same issue after upgrade. Factory reset fixed the problem; I have been using it for a week now. I had to reinstall all my apps but it beats sending it back for service.