Update to jelly bean


Sep 18, 2012
Hi everybody,
asus transformer pad tf300tg
android 4.0.3 Cream Sandwich
a few days ago i received as present an asus transformer, my first tablet ever so no expereince at all!!!!!!!
I dont have internet conection jet, purchase some in a few days, so i connect just once in a free spot.
How it works the update from Cream sandwich to jelly bean?
I try to read info about, if i understood well asus transformer, my tablet can be updated to Jelly bean automatically, is it true? What about the update,
it is an automatic upodate or must be updated manulally?
If manually can explain please how or link some tutorials?
Thank a lot for your precious help
The update to JB should be automatic. You would normally get a notification in the notification ares lower right. You may be on JB already if you received an update. In settings - about if your see your Android version is 4.03 you would still be on ICS.
Thank a lot!
Finally i got internet connection
As you suggested i check my android version, still 4.0.3 so ice Cream sandwich.
I receive notification about firmware update, did it, everything fine, however
I don't receive any advice about update From ice cream sandwich to jelly bean.
What i have to do in order to update from 4.0.3 to 4.1? There is a way to force automatic update or do it manually?
Thank a lot for yor precious help!
Go to settings - apps - all and find DMClient. Tap it and tell it to clear cache and data, then force stop and restart. Do the same for CMClient. Then go to about tablet and at the top check for firmware. If that doesn't do it it is possible to manually update but the natural way is easiest.