Upgrade Android 3.0 (HONEYCOMB) Cambridge Sciences G7-III


Dec 22, 2011
Hello all

I have just had my Cambridge Sciences G7-III tablet delivered and although happy with it I would like to know if is possible to upgrade the OS from 3.0 to 3.2. From what I have been reading this is not just a case of installing a new OS as the OS is closely tied to the hardware.

If any of you good people know of a way that this can be done please let me know. I am pretty computer literate (Unix/Linux sysadmin) so am not scared of getting into the command line if that is what is needed.

Hope you all have a great holiday


+1 on this. I would also like to know if this is possible.

On a second note do "Cambridge Sciences" have a website, address or contact number I can use?
+1 on both previous..

I have technical experience from PC's hard and software. I'm just getting into linux and I want to know if I am going to be able to upgrade and modify my Android Tablet in due course. So any websites or key information about Android code would be appreciated.

Hi All

Same query from me also and cannot find any contact details for Cambridge Sciences Technical Support anywhere! Cambridge Sciences Tablets also seem to have dissapeared from Amazon, no stock and uncertainty if it will return in stock - slightly worrying!

Although the tablet works well and I am very happy there are a couple of niggles that I wonder if you have also experienced.

Firstly, I am unable to download apps from the Android Market due to error - no devices associated with my Google account. This seems strange as I can download apps via the Market app that was preinstalled on the device. I am begining to wonder if this device is supported by market.android.com, it's certainly not listed as a supported device.

Also can't seem to get ITV Player to work although BBC iPlayer works well. Managed to get Skype working eventually after a lot of tweaking.

Just interested to hear if you are or have experienced these similar problems.

