USB to Ethernet internet connection?


Aug 27, 2011
I was wondering if it is possible to connect to the internet using a usb-to-ethernet adapter. The school where I work has Ethernet, but no wifi.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
You can buy a portable wifi for under 20 bucks.
Why would you want a cord hanging from your tablet?
Got the USB to ethernet connector - nope, didn't work. It comes with cd rom with install instructions etc - android OS not one of the supported OS's. Gonna send it back and look some more!
Do you have 3.2 upgrade yet? Might be worth waiting.
Remind me again why you want this?
Just upgraded right now - worked fine. Here's the deal with ethernet - on vacation we stay in a few resorts where wi-fi sucks and the ethernet connection is much more reliable. I want the option of the hard wired connection for the tab. We got the tab so we wouldn't have to drag the laptop on vacation...
Icebike, can you elaborate on this device for an ignoramus like me? Am I right to think you plug this into an ethernet connection and it creates a wireless network from the ethernet network? It doesn't need a phone line? Does it plug in or run off batteries?
Google "wirelezz routers:
Or ask a techie friend. If you bought an Acer A500 you are probably within 30 feet of one.
The model above just plugs into cat 5 erhernet jack and converts a single wired connection to a wireless one.
It does not use batteries. Anywhere you have a cat 5 jack you also have a power outlet.
Thanks for that. I did google it, but got a lot of 3G gizmos, and couldn't find any that worked as you suggest.
@Sandshoe: I think the conversation has gone totally sideways.

What I was talking about is a way to get your acer on the net when all you have is a Cat5 connection.

Like when you are traveling and maybe the hotel does not have WIFI, or its not close enough to your room.
Or you live in a College Dorm, etc.

You get to your room, and there is a cat 5 jack on the wall like either of these:


There is no way you can plug your Acer into that.

So you use one of these: (or any one of 30 competing models)

The function of which is described fully here at this Amazon page: Belkin Wireless G 4-Port Router: Electronics

You plug it into the jack on the wall.
You need one of these: (often supplied by the hotel)


You plug it into the power.
You turn it on. (you've already set it up at home so there is no fiddeling to do).

Presto, you now have your own private wifi in your room.


You can connect your Acer to it wirelessly (via wifi - same as always), as well as your cell phone, laptop, e-reader, or any other wifi enabled device you brought with you.

Oh: and one last thing: Loop the cord pictured above thru the handle of your suit case or laptop bag, or hang your car keys on the antenna. That way you won't forget the router when you checkout. (Been there, done that, had to go back).
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Not sideways at all - all perfectly clear and understood.

I, too, could use a device that converts a standard ethernet connection to wireless (for the many hotels with free ethernet internet who either don't have, or charge $$$ for, wireless.) When I saw your first post referring to a cheap "portable wifi", I thought "great!" and googled that. I found a lot of gizmos that require cellphone accounts to work (which was not what I wanted) hence my request for clarification, which has been abundant! :):) I guess my last (overly brief) post was a bit unclear, and I apologise for that).

Once again, many thanks.
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i have a android tablet pc, 4.2.2. With a 9 inch screen. Is it posable to hook up to ethernet on my device? Ive got the router,cable modem with 4 chanles,the ethernet cable and a gigaware ethernet adapptor. With the small usb cable, just cant seem to get it to work, dose anyone have any ideals they can sugest me, im pretty savvy with all this, im just not doing somethinf right.
