Using tablet for presentations?


May 17, 2011
Hi guys,

I've been on the lookout for a tablet for a few months now. I'm not all that wild about an iPad, so I've been considering an Android version.

A major thing for me is ability to deliver Powerpoint presentations out to a projector. I'd be prepared to use an HDMI to VGA converter (but would be happier if it weren't needed). From what I'd seen pretty much all tablets that have any sort of video out only sport a (mini) HDMI.

What I would like to know is, if anyone has any experience whatsoever with this kind of thing.
Did anyone try using your tablet as a presentation device in this context?
How does it work?
Is there any way to then remotely control the tablet/presentation, with a remote presenter tool like the Logitech one?
Any experience with the HDMI->VGA converters?

Any thoughts here would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the suggestion.

What about the HDMI-> VGA?
Did you try that out at all?

The thing is, I deliver presentations all over the world. I use projectors that are on-site. And so far the only input that I can rely on 100% to be there is VGA.
So my if you have some experience with that, it would be easier to make a final decision :)

I don't get why the moderator is recommending a particular tablet when any tablet with an HDMI port will do. I have an Asus Transformer with a mini (NOT micro) HDMI port and mini HDMI to VGA converters can be found on ebay for less than $10 US. My slides are done in beamer (a LaTeX package) so they're in pdf, but you could use Polaris Office (which comes with the Transformer) for MS Powerpoint or compatible documents.
I don't get why the moderator is recommending a particular tablet when any tablet with an HDMI port will do. I have an Asus Transformer with a mini (NOT micro) HDMI port and mini HDMI to VGA converters can be found on ebay for less than $10 US. My slides are done in beamer (a LaTeX package) so they're in pdf, but you could use Polaris Office (which comes with the Transformer) for MS Powerpoint or compatible documents.

Do not buy a $10 HDMI to VGA converter off ebay, you have a better chance of Santa dropping by with a winning lottery ticket than getting a converter that actually works for this price. The only things in this price range that I could find on ebay were HDMI to VGA cables, given that HDMI is digital and VGA is analog there is no way these cables will work for 99.9% of the people who buy them.

Realistically you're looking at $40-50 for the converter but that should do the job fine on most projectors, the only limitation I can think of is that the input resolutions vary between projectors and these converters maintain image size, so you may come across the odd projector that won't work with this setup. In that case see if you can borrow a laptop for the presentation.
I'm already using a converter and the Toshiba thrive has a full size HDMI port...But the real problem is I need a clicker app that goes from my android phone to android tablet to switch slidesAnyone got ideas on that???
There is also another way, you can use

You upload your presentation, and you can share it with a link to anyone in your conf room or anywhere else
Hi guys,

I've been on the lookout for a tablet for a few months now. I'm not all that wild about an iPad, so I've been considering an Android version.

A major thing for me is ability to deliver Powerpoint presentations out to a projector. I'd be prepared to use an HDMI to VGA converter (but would be happier if it weren't needed). From what I'd seen pretty much all tablets that have any sort of video out only sport a (mini) HDMI.

What I would like to know is, if anyone has any experience whatsoever with this kind of thing.
Did anyone try using your tablet as a presentation device in this context?
How does it work?
Is there any way to then remotely control the tablet/presentation, with a remote presenter tool like the Logitech one?
Any experience with the HDMI->VGA converters?

Any thoughts here would be greatly appreciated.


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hi as others have stated any tab will do these things. this tab has a standard hdmi connector so should be easier to find a convertor cable for your presentations. this seller is a supporting vendor on this forum so also you will get better aftersales service. if you contact them they may be able to supply the cable you need with the tab itself. i trust this seller better than any others i have dealt with for their honesty & no oem goods policy. theyre reliable friendly & will not tell you things are in stock when theyre obviously not. well worth a look in my view, you have nothing to lose by checking them out.