V712 4.1.1_2.0 Jellybean update. v712 V2 only.


Like I posted in your other topic. It gives me terrible battery drain, even when charging my battery will get drained :S
Plus I can not charge my tablet with an ac adapter, has to be my laptop and I haven't beend able to downgrade it yet. Stay with ICS! I say.

Like I posted in your other topic. It gives me terrible battery drain, even when charging my battery will get drained :S
Plus I can not charge my tablet with an ac adapter, has to be my laptop and I haven't beend able to downgrade it yet. Stay with ICS! I say.

I replied to your other post
Because it applies most to this topic I will continu here. Like I said in the other topics, I have tried changing the build id's and dates. Didnt work. I flashed it 3 times now like you told me to do, actually 4 because the first time my tablet wouldnt start anymore. And I found out something strange. When I put my tablet into sleeping mode put the AC adapter in it starts charging. I still doesnt when I plug it in while working on it. I'm gonna run for an hour now have been looking for solutions all day hehe. Then I'll post what happend lets hope the battery has been charging, current level 42%.

Oh and maybe you know, I saw other onda tablets having a 2.1 firmware version released not that long after the 2.0 versions, is this because of similar bugs as in the V712?

Edit 2:
One hour later, from 42% to fully charged on AC Adapter :D ! Now lets find out whats causing the battery drain.
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I did like in iiDiabolusZz post, Thread: *All* Onda Tablet Firmware Update Walk-Through download your files. Then after unzipping I copy it to SD.

Then I :
"Now select - apply update from sdcard then select firmware/update.zip when it has finished select reboot"
So I did it, now I have recurring restart, there is non stop activity. I have no chance to stop it.

My tablet - V712 V2
Great. Do you have any problems charging the tablet on an AC adapter? And what about the battery drain?

I'm hoping theyll release an improved version of Jellybean soon! It's just weird.

Hello, sorry for delay in answering.
It is working ok, but I have a issue with battery drain. It is almost enourmus, 2.30 - 2.40 max and then tablet must be plug to power.
What to hell so have power consumption... If there anobody help my with this issue??
Oke, I'm having the same problems, and about the same battery life. I've already tried a lot of ways to solve the battery drain but nothing seems to work. This weekend I'll look do some research on battery life on ICS and JB. Let's just hope Onda will bring out a new firmware, like Diabolusz said, there are many reports like this on Chinese forums so they must have noticed this.

I'll post my findings this weekend :)

°º´ïV711µç³Ø °º´ï V711 ƽ°åµçÄÔµç³Ø 3.7V 4000MA-ÌÔ±¦Íø

That is for a 4000mah battery, i believe the original is 3000mah, also a lot of members on the chinese forums say firmware 1.5 gives 4-5 hours watching films on original battery.

That's a post on the topic for v711 forum. I'm guessing it's the same battery as in the v712, so wheter you'll keep JB or downgrade to ICS, for 10$ it seems it might be a good investment. Not sure though...

At least it seems like solutions are there and it's not a hopeless case!
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Below is a guide from "dxueh" a friend from the chinese forums, he has used an external battery to replace his own but i have put a link to a battery which will fit, the original battery size as you can see in the picture is 4.0x71x90 mm so you could look for your own battery but max thickness it will take is 4.3mm as in the link, he also changed his wifi antenna the link for that is also below, all credit to "dxueh"

Battery - È«ÐÂÔ*×°LG AÆ· 436789 ´óÈÝÁ¿¾ÛºÏÎï﮵ç3200mAH 4.3*67*89 3.7V-ÌÔ±¦Íø


v712 bought some time, ever since the brush the 1.5 firmware basically no card white people depressed battery and WIFI signal. Battery now has to do not take the power can not adhere to one minute apart after seeing the battery drum kits, has withstood screen, affecting the screen, the battery reached to change not the point. Taobao battery and antenna yourself to put on. As follows:
3200 mA battery nominal maximum volume in the first test after fully charged play local video shut down automatically after four hours. The effect has exceeded my expectations, bought back strong, very satisfied. Replace WIFI antenna, the signal is significantly enhanced, and the previous router 2 meters are not full signal, no signal partition, not partition full signal, two cells of the wall, basically covering the range of activities and the effect desired.
Due to the bad I welding technology, replacement of the biggest difficulties is welding, especially very small antenna solder the figure below, the battery above detailed parameters of the battery, the way hair under my DIY mobile power:

222.jpg (331.95 KB, Downloads: 18)

111.jpg (484.62 KB, Downloads: 4)

777.jpg (397.56 KB, Downloads: 7)
Mobile battery internal

666.jpg (528.88 KB, Downloads: 1)
Has been replaced with

333.jpg (518.6 KB, downloads: 1)
Battery antenna has been removed

444.jpg (476.72 KB, Downloads: 6)
Battery contrast

555.jpg (339.95 KB, Downloads: 3)
Antenna comparison

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I've tried different methods on ICS and JB to test the battery life, I can now say that the battery life isn't that great anyway, I can live with that, but the battery life on JB just sucks and there is no real workaround. Let's just hope Onda will get out an update soon. Diabolusz, do you have any info from the Chinese forums? And which forums do you mean? The Onda forum?
I am a member of most of them but mainly use ondabbs.cn i have along with many of the members on there posted the problems to onda, the more they receive the more likely they will act.
But is there possible to build new battery, for example, from two Galaxy S3 batteries? We get 4200 mAh, but will it work or will it fit? Is it worth to try?