Very Basic Tablet Questions -- Easy for You to Answer Quickly. Please do!

P-Town... if you came up to a recovery that had you navigate and select, it'll have blue lettering if i remember correctly from dealing with a friends tablet... then you're on boot loader 1.2.. there is a completely different proedure for loading clockwork on a Gtab with this.. the directions given in the stickies are for a tablet with boot loader 1.1

my advice is to look on xda. Since i don't have bootloader 1.2 on my device i can only tell you that I'm fairly sure you have 1.2 from the description you've provided.
Swould333--Yeah, my tablet actually did come with 1.2. I didn't realize this initially, but as I continued to read and especially after I actually flashed to 1.2 I saw the similarity!

So I actually, went back from 1.2 to 1.1, then after trying a couple of 1.1 ROMs I went back up to 1.2 and am using FlashBack now. Seems pretty functional and it didn't seem to make much sense to stick with a 1.1 based ROM, so I just hope development continues.

kewl didn't see a follow up that lead me to think you succeeeded.. glad you got it worked out... and darn skippy you know the dev community will continue... more and more head way every day...
Ah, sorry about that (no follow-up). When I was searching for answers I joined this site and one other one and I think I might have gotten crossed up!

Do you mean through the USB via a thumb/jump drive? If so, I don't think that's possible--at least it wasn't last time I checked. However, I was reading something from Viewsonic and I think it did say that you can use up to 64GB microSDs, while I initially thought we were limited to 16GB. I'd double-check that too before purchasing one though.
YES.. you can play movies via a flash drive... plug in the drive.. go into your file manager, i suggest FileExpert or Astro, go up/back till you get to the root directory of the device find your MNTS folder there you'll find a list of rescources on your device... the USB will be there in some form .. it'll be a "USBstorage" .. or some varient.. select it... then select the file you want and you'll be given a list of possible media player that are compatible to play the video on, unless of course you've set a default then the video will just play... if the video wont play, you more than likely do not have a compatible media player for the media compression type... double check to be sure..

See the tip in the stickes about creating shortcuts for commonly used files/folders to gain quick acces to them straight from the homescreens. I.E...MNTS, USB, SDCARD, DOWNLOADS, ECT.