Very slow SuperPad III


Oct 6, 2011
Hi. I'm new to this android tablet thing, so here's my problem. I recently bought a knew SuperPad 3, yes it's 3, not 2 (I've read somewhere, that it's not the original Flytouch, but a clone) and it's very veeery slow. You can't even surf the net normally no matter which browser you use (I have Dolphin browser HD, Opera mini and Maxthon). The apps are running also very slowly. I thought I made a mistake with bying such a cheap thing, and I got what I've paid for, BUT It plays HD movies with no lag. I mean normal, H.264 720p 8GB size movies. So what CPU can play 720p movies, but can't handle simple web browser? Maybe there's some tweaking needed to be done, or is there some firmware upgrade I can make, to make this thing faster? Any help would be apreciated.

Here's my pad's specs:
Model number: P041
Android version: 2.2 v2.6:#4416
Kernel version root@localhost #48
Build number: FRF85B-KZ808
Here's my pad's specs:
Model number: P041
Android version: 2.2 v2.6:#4416
Kernel version root@localhost #48
Build number: FRF85B-KZ808

Welcome to experiencing Android on a tablet.

Can you identify the Hardware ID "hwver" of the tablet either using adb or Android Terminal Emulator if it is not displayed on the initial boot screen as pictured below?

C:\>adb shell
# cat /proc/cmdline
cat /proc/cmdline
console=ttySAC3,115200 androidboot.mode=normal bmagic=0xeefffff1 hwver=??.??.??.??
View attachment 4193
Andorid terminal emulator showed this:
Console=ttySAC3, 115200 bootdelay=15 mem=500M bmagic=0xdb6db610 hwver=
Andorid terminal emulator showed this:
Console=ttySAC3, 115200 bootdelay=15 mem=500M bmagic=0xdb6db610 hwver=
Wow, that's a new one which will require some research and input by others. As of yet no information has been posted - however, check this sites forum for some information - Technical Help for ibex FacePad rev.P041 Android 2.2 at
www . apad . tv/apadforum/forumdisplay.php?29-Technical-Help-for-ibex-FacePad-rev.P041-Android-2.2
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