Hi folks, I received a couple of the new Superpad III's today & one of them was non-responsive upon startup. Just made the buzz sound & nothing else! I've hit the reset button, I've let it charge for a few hours, tried different chargers & still nothing.
One of two things: It has internal damage..nothing I can do.
or it just needs the firmware flashed...Problem is I don't know how to extract the firmware from the other tablet I have & I can't find one on the site..
Some are listed here: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...-benefits-bugs-flytouch2-v2-superpad-2-a.html
I HOPE there are better ones available! Looks like a lot of bugs & the rom 316 looks like complete garbage.. pretty much the same OS it arrived with..which is what I'll have to use for the non-responsive one, but I was hoping to put something better on there..
Anything available??
Superpad III
Android OS 2.2 - 20110316
model #: disco
kernel version:
build # frf85b
Will any 2.2 firmware work?? Does anyone know the exact firmware I need & the steps to flash it
Thanks ftanl
One of two things: It has internal damage..nothing I can do.
or it just needs the firmware flashed...Problem is I don't know how to extract the firmware from the other tablet I have & I can't find one on the site..
Some are listed here: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...-benefits-bugs-flytouch2-v2-superpad-2-a.html
I HOPE there are better ones available! Looks like a lot of bugs & the rom 316 looks like complete garbage.. pretty much the same OS it arrived with..which is what I'll have to use for the non-responsive one, but I was hoping to put something better on there..
Anything available??
Superpad III
Android OS 2.2 - 20110316
model #: disco
kernel version:
build # frf85b
Will any 2.2 firmware work?? Does anyone know the exact firmware I need & the steps to flash it
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