Video preview pictures still showing?


Feb 24, 2012
There's a problem going on with my Android tablet. My Android is verson 2.3. For some reason, after deleting a video, although the video won't play, the preview picture still shows up. I've tried all that I know to see if I could get rid of them (some of them are a little... well, not something I want people to see, so. 8|). I tried clearing the data in My Videos, and in the Camera app. Still there. I tried rummaging through the file system, but everything I tried deleting that could have been related to the tag pictures kept saying "Delete failed!" I even tried factory reset and it was still there. In the end, I uninstalled "My Video" so that you can't even access videos anymore. |: But they're still there.

Does anyone know this glitch? HOW do I get these video preview pictures off of there?
And I'm sorry if this isn't the right forum... I'm not sure where I post stuff about technical problems. xP
I think possibly it's corrupt? Because no matter what I do, the files either "fail" to delete or just won't go away. Is there anything i can do to just get rid of everything? it's really annoying me. I'M tempted to just throw this on the ground. >_> (Sorry for typos, Android is glitchy.)

Oh, it's a 7" MID "Arm" tablet. Sorry, that's the closest to a name that I can find. D: The tablet or the box orthe manual does't have a name.I got it from the Philippines kinda cheap.
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Ahhh, never mind it. I tried erasing the SD Card (there was an option for it in the Settings) and that got rid of it. XD *relieved* It did leave behind some weird error messages whenever I open up the My Video thing, but videos and pictures still save, so WATEVA.