Wallpapers for Nookcolor


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2010
I see there is a handful of post around here asking and/or listing wallpaper and good sites to find them for the NookColor. I figure we need a good clean thread to post all of our findings. Post links if you got um. :)

Here is a guy that posted 400+ great wallpapers in 1024p on his photobucket account; perfect for the NC.

Tablet Wallpaper pictures by 911jason - Photobucket

400+ 1200 x 1024 wallpapers, perfect size for the NC

Original Galaxy Tab Wallpapers - Galaxy Tab Wallpapers

1680x1050 Wide wallpapers

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I saw the 'wallpaper' button at the top of Dolphin HD when I open it to the default screen and that leads to m.flikie.com/.

and the pics look great on my NC...I have dl'd several pics from there.
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A hair off subject but wasn't there an app that was a wallpaper changer, where it would "slideshow" your photo gallery on your home screen, similar to windows 7 desktop background slide show.
A hair off subject but wasn't there an app that was a wallpaper changer, where it would "slideshow" your photo gallery on your home screen, similar to windows 7 desktop background slide show.

Its called wallpaper switcher...really easy to use, and works well.

and Wallpaper Set and Save works well to correctly crop images for the NC
Its called wallpaper switcher...really easy to use, and works well.

and Wallpaper Set and Save works well to correctly crop images for the NC

Does wallpaper switcher let you pick a specific folder? If so, I'm sold. :)
It sure does...can even select multiple folders on your SD card

Awesome, will have to try "wallpaper switcher" on the NC. I wonder if it will be able to fully function correct since the NC is a little weird with wallpaper resizing sometimes. I guess the best thing to do is make sure your pics are as close to perfect for the NC as you can make them. Something in the lines of ~1920 x ~1024, so resizing would be minimal.
Using the "Wallpaper Set and Save" I have it save the wallpaper and then have the switcher pointed to where 'set and save' is saving the wallpapers.
Found an app for HD photos from flikie...its pretty cool...and they give a url so you look at photos from your comp

Sent from my auto-nooted NOOK Color

Wallpaper Switcher is outstanding, love it. Thanks for suggestion. :)

Wallpaper Switcher is outstanding, love it. Thanks for suggestion. :)

Glad to be of service...Since I am new to android, I find myself downloading lots of apps just to see what they do...most I delete within a couple minutes, but every once in a while I find something nice. Its kinda like digging through that $5 bin of DVD's at Walmart! :)

I also wanted to follow up on a earlier post about the app by flikie. It's the Flikie Wallpapers HD...and it seems to be flagged for mature content in appbrain, but they even say in the app that if you find any inappropriate content, to let them know so they can remove it...they are trying to do their part...not only can you browse through all their categories, you can save to SD and set wallpaper from the app (I found the setting of wallpaper to be hit and miss from time to time, but I just save the pic to SD and let Wallpaper set and save take care of setting it properly)
Glad to be of service...Since I am new to android, I find myself downloading lots of apps just to see what they do...most I delete within a couple minutes, but every once in a while I find something nice. Its kinda like digging through that $5 bin of DVD's at Walmart! :)

I also wanted to follow up on a earlier post about the app by flikie. It's the Flikie Wallpapers HD...and it seems to be flagged for mature content in appbrain, but they even say in the app that if you find any inappropriate content, to let them know so they can remove it...they are trying to do their part...not only can you browse through all their categories, you can save to SD and set wallpaper from the app (I found the setting of wallpaper to be hit and miss from time to time, but I just save the pic to SD and let Wallpaper set and save take care of setting it properly)

Yea that's is the mentality of most of us; I believe I've uninstalled 5 times as much app as I've kept. :)

Haven't tried Flikie yet, although I want to the site to check it out. Been busy loading up my folder for wallpaper switcher. I'll check it out and report back.
Its called wallpaper switcher...really easy to use, and works well.

and Wallpaper Set and Save works well to correctly crop images for the NC

How do you crop with it? So far, all I can find are the save and set functions.