Wallpapers for Nookcolor

I have a problem with a couple pics as well. I even went so far as editing them in Photoshop, and they still won't work. I have cut resolution, resized, cropped...and the stupid pics still don't work right. I think it has to do with dimensions and resolution, but I have not come up with a solution as of yet (read as I just gave up and moved on) :)
For: All my Nook Color family :)
400+ 1200 x 1024 wallpapers, perfect size for the NC

Also get "Wallpaper Switcher" from the market; goes great for randomly changing all your wallpapers.

This is great! Thanks guys!!!
Just one question, is there a way I can make my home landscape?

You need to be using one of the aftermarket launchers, such as Zeam and Launcher Pro. If you are using Zeam, go to preferences > general > check sensor rotation. Then your homescreen will turn from portrait to lansdcape, depending on how you are holding the NC.
Okay, I downloaded a bunch of awesome pics to my desktop, then copied a few of them to my NC. When I select one of the pictures for my wallpaper, it only lets me select a portion of the photo (crops it) and then the resulting wallpaper is uber-zoomed on the screen to the point that you can't really tell what it is. How do I resize the photo so that it shows more of it on the screen, and so that it's not so zoomed in? Also, do I have an option of what portion of the photo is displayed if it's in portrait vs if it's in landscape?

BTW, I loaded Personal Wallpaper as a wallpaper switcher. It works, but it appears to only be able to use photos on the Downloads folder on the SD card as its source for photos.
Okay, I downloaded a bunch of awesome pics to my desktop, then copied a few of them to my NC. When I select one of the pictures for my wallpaper, it only lets me select a portion of the photo (crops it) and then the resulting wallpaper is uber-zoomed on the screen to the point that you can't really tell what it is. How do I resize the photo so that it shows more of it on the screen, and so that it's not so zoomed in? Also, do I have an option of what portion of the photo is displayed if it's in portrait vs if it's in landscape?

BTW, I loaded Personal Wallpaper as a wallpaper switcher. It works, but it appears to only be able to use photos on the Downloads folder on the SD card as its source for photos.

Try this, although I found b&n 1.1 software fixed this issue. Guess I'm wrong.

and yes, wallpaper switcher can only see pics from your sd card. Go to preferences and pick the folder on your sd card you wish it to use.