wanting to flash TnT lite but I'm stuck.....

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Nov 7, 2010
I'm still running stock on my Gtab and have been having issues w/force closes, slow response etc etc. It was suggested for me to try TNT lite, that I won't have these issues and the speed would bebetter. I found the procedures I need to use however, how do I back up BEFORE I do this?

There is nothing I need to save really, but I want to keep copy of this original ROM just in case. Everything I've found so far assumes you are rooted prior to starting, which I am not. I was told just putting titanium on w/just my stock will be fine and it has root available with it. But how do I flash back should I have issues?? I don't want to loose this should I have a warranty issue later. :confused:
You have to flash clockworkmod recovery if you want to make a ROM backup. Titanium is just an app backup tool.

Though honestly....you don't need to make a backup of your stock ROM as you can just download and reflash the stock ROM image from XDA later if you want to return to stock.
Ok...I was a little confused on that and didn't want to get where I couldn't get that stock back on! Thanks T for clarifying & pointing in right direction.
Ok, I posted this on xda also because I'm having issues with Clockworkmod. I downloaded and got it onto the microsd, extracted to it and shut down, booted into clockworkmod for install and saw nothing. i got viewsonic screen w/the message in left corner like i should have but didn't see an install. it flahed screen, i got an exclamation point and it booted into the standard screen. Just to be sure, i powered down again, and tried to do the power +volume and it does the same thing each time. I have tnt downloaded, my other directory ROMs is created on my internal like it needs to be yet. But I'm stuck back in the begining of this and can't understand why. Yes, I have actually deleted and reformatted my micro sdcard and started over, same results. Anyone have suggestions???

edit: i'm following the guide as listed on xda on how to install clockworkmod, tnt and marketplace and the files linked at bottom of that page.
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im having isues and everything i have found on clockworkmod issues ive tried or doesnt apply to my issue.

I have followed the guide on xda to get cowman installed in hopes to get tnt lite on. I d/l cwm and copy to my external sdcard from download folder on internal drive. Unzip on external and get the update.zip like I should and I even tried keeping on main directory of my sdcard. I shut down, then reboot using power +volume up. I get viewsonic splash screens/recovery msg in top left. Then I see an exclamation point in a triangle and I get viewsonic splash screen again & it boots stock. I've tried rebooting, I've reformatted my sdcard2 and tried again several times with no luck. I was able to d/l tnt fine and have the ROM directory created ln my internal but incantations get cwm to boot/install.

Any help would be appreciated. I've searched and there is no other update.zip ln my internal sdcard. I used links right from the guide thread on xda. I'm stuck. :mad:
You can use the stock recovery to flash TnT-lite so ClockWorkMod isn't a requirement. It's also possible to flash ClockWorkMod later if you want.

Alternate GTab Firmware - TnT Lite (updated 12/10/10, latest version is 2.2.1) - xda-developers

Instructions for those with standard recovery:

- Extract the RAR to the root of your internal memory. So, for example, if your device is mounted on your Windows F drive, you need to extract the RAR so that you have an F:\update.zip file and an F:\recovery folder. Then, unmount the drive cleanly.
- Power off the device, then begin the flash process by holding the power switch and volume up switch for several seconds. You should see a recovery screen and it will take 1-2 minutes to complete.
- After the update is complete, the system will reboot.
- You will see the standard Google registration screen, on first boot. You can skip the Google registration process and try later, when you have WiFi running.

Note: these instructions are for the internal memory. If you have no access to that (ie stuck in a boot loop), you can add the files to a microSD card and that will work. However, you need to make one edit to the \recovery\command file, which is a text file. Edit it in notepad and change "SDCARD" to "SDCARD2" and resave it. But, make sure that Windows doesn't add a .TXT extension - it HAS to be called "command".
Another note. You have to extract the files in the update.zip (the ClockworkMod download) so that you have a folder named recovery and the file update.zip. This is because you are using the stock recovery system to install ClockWorkMod and it requires the update.zip file and the recovery folder (the recovery folder has the command file in it that tells the system to run the update.zip). Once you have clockworkMod installed and are using it's recovery system, you no longer need the recovery folder for installing roms/updates/etc...zips.

Stock Recovery uses the recovery folder's "command" file to tell it to run the update.zip that is sitting in the root of /sdcard

ClockWorkMod Recovery you point to the .zip file you want to install yourself.

Hope that makes sense.

I think I have followed this and don't know where I'm going wrong. I have extracted the clockworkmod and it created a folder cwm08 (or something like that) inside this folder was the recovery folder and the update.zip. i even made sure the command file was switched to show the sdcard2. at one point i even moved just the update.zip to my internal sdcard and placed it right in the main directory and shut down then tried to recover and no luck. there were no other update.zip files listed but that one. so, maybe i should move both the recovery folder AND the update.zip to that main directory on my internal sdcard?

when i tried using the micro sdcard, that was the only item on the card. nothing else but those files and when i tried to reboot and flash it was just pulling up the stock no matter what i tried. am i missing something that you said?? i did NOT extract what was IN the update.zip file cause there is an image file and something else. my understanding to just extract the first so you get the recovery folder and update.zip file and nothing else needed extracted, i am to leave the update.zip alone.

As always, your help has been extremely appreciated! these forced stops and issues with the browser is getting annoying and i just want to get to something that is working correctly and smoothly. Thanks for the help!
Okay, it's easier to not use an external card and just use the internal storage.

Connect your Gtab to your PC and mount over USB so that you can access the files from your computer.

Since you already extracted the files, open the cwm08 (or whatever) folder and copy the recovery folder and the update.zip to the Gtab (not in any folder). Make sure you re-edit the command file to just say sdcard and not sdcard2.

Once those are copied over....Turn off the USB storage on your Gtab and then power it off. Hold Volume + and press the power button, keep holding Volume + and it should boot up into recovery mode and start installing the update.zip (clockworkmod recovery) because of the command file in the recovery folder telling it to do so.

When this is done...all you have is ClockworkMod as you recovery instead of the stock one. Power off the Gtab again, press and hold Volume + and turn it back on. This time when it boots in to recovery it's clockworkmod. You can make a backup (use volume +/- to move through the choices, Home button to select and the back arrow to go back.

You can delete the recovery folder and update.zip from your gtab.

You need to download TnT-lite and put it wherever on your gtab and boot in to clockworkmod and select the install .zip from SDcard, browse to the file and install it.
To make it a little clearer, I hope...

With the stock recovery you need two things (three really). The update.zip file at the root of /sdcard and the folder name recovery. Inside the recovery folder you need the command file.

so if you looked at the sdcard it would look like this..

recovery (folder)
update.zip (file)

if you looked inside recovery you would see
command (file)
Ok, I only used the USB to link to my internal to create the folder for ROMs and I do have TnT lite downloaded to tablet. So maybe because i was copying to the internal from the sdcard2 and not using the USB is why it wasn't picking up the file. but then I also just had the update.zip and didn't have the recovery folder when I tried from the internal drive. Wow, I'm going to set to this tonight when I'm home from work and finally get this done. I followed the steps right for the external but it just wasn't picking that up but it sounds like it will once i put it on my internal drive. I think this thing will finally get flashed over tonight! Tom, thank you for taking the time to assist me becuase I just couldn't understand why it wasn't working. I do appreciate the help! Will def give it a go this evening (should have brought with me today to play with but it IS supposed to be for Christmas I just can't stay off it! )
No problem......

Just remember you need the update.zip file and the recovery folder at the root of sdcard. Inside the recovery folder will sit the command file.

That's for getting Clockworkmod Recovery installed. ClockworkMod Recovery will just use .zip files (named whatever) and can be anywhere on your /sdcard or /sdcard2, you just point to it from within ClockworkMod.

So once Clockwork is on...you could make a backup of your current setup (though personally I see no reason....you definitely won't be going back...LOL) and then you can install the .zip for TnT-lite 2.4 (latest version).
Well I cannot wait! I doubt I'll want to go back to stock but it's nice to know the option is there should I need for any reason. I think I know exactly what I did wrong on the CWM now but why it wouldn't work off the sdcard2 i'm not sure. Unless I needed to still be connected via USB which I wasn't. I think following this will be easier and it sure will be nice to have Flash installed as well! I'll give it a shot tonight and hope to prove my hubby wrong that I would have been better with a laptop. :)

Using the cwmrecovery sounds easy enough to just point at a zip file and use it to flash whatever you want. But getting clockwork installed was another story! I can't wait to experience all the different ROMs out there and really see what they can do. I'm sure I won't be going back!! LOL


I got clockwork installed and Tnt just fine.. i think... i'm stuck on the 3rd step of installing flash and marketplace.. it won't let me download from the links.. i'm on tablet, on xda site using their links provided in the guide and i keep getting an unsuccessful download msg when i try. i'll see if can download again from another page. It froze up few mins later on the home screen so i powered down and back up, seems fine. but still can't download the other files.

Edit: I plugged in USB, downloaded to computer and pushed over to sdcard. Turned off USB, went into ES explorer and followed instructions from there. Worked just fine! Got market running too! I'm going to see if there is an issue still with downloading or just at that time there was an error. But so far so good! I LOVE IT right off without doing much on it yet!!!
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Congrats! Downloading via the GTab's browser seems to be iffy. I came across an app a good while back called "Download Crutch Lite" which allows the browser to pretty much download anything. I don't think it's in the Market anymore, I may not have even gotten it from the Market. I use it on my Motorola Droid and transferred it over to my GTab.

Here....I found it.

Download Crutch Lite 2008-01-31.apk
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