New to the forum - sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place.
I ordered a Gentouch78 from 1SaleADay offered a couple of weeks ago and just got it in three days ago. It was listed as new on the sale site, but it's not according to the "refurbished by Seque" registration card in the box. I'm assuming from what I read above that it's the V1 since it has a black button and a 2.5mm jack, BUT it doesn't have the Google Market on it and it *does* have a calibration program on it. It's been acting kind of quirky (display shuts off after a minute or two even though it's set to turn off after 10 minutes), ePUB and .txt books show up as garbage in iReader, it won't play videos, etc.
1) do I just pack it up and send it back or is it worth messing with?
2) if I do keep it to mess around with I figure it would be best to root it BUT I'm confused as to what set of instructions to use
3) I'm not afraid to try to work on it if I have step-by-step instructions, but I'm not well-versed in the specifics. I did find one site that was like "Augen GenTouch rooting for Dummies", but the main instruction page shows up as no longer being available on line.
Any help would be appreciated.
Crap. Me too. Please let me know if you find any info or have any luck getting an app market working - I will return the favor. Thank you!