What can I do with SD card on Non-Rooted VTAB?


Nov 25, 2011
I understand that a solution for Rooting a VTAB has been offered.

But, I do not want to go that route while I am testing the VTAB for its usefulness.

I have yet to install my $20 micro SD card so I need to ask what I will be able to do with that card installed.

1. Can I put the maps from Co-Pilot on the card and retain functionality of Co-Pilot GPS ?
2. If I transfer music and photos to the card, with the VTAB find them?
3. Can I store apps on the card, and transfer them to the internal storage when I decide to use them?
4. What other uses will the SD card have on a Non-Rooted VTAB ?

On another topic, has anyone tried the HDMI connection to stream Netflix to a TV? Does it work well?

Thanks in advance for any info.

Haven't tried the other items in your list, but I know that it will find your music and photos on the SD Card.
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1. Can I put the maps from Co-Pilot on the card and retain functionality of Co-Pilot GPS ?


. . . .2. If I transfer music and photos to the card, with the VTAB find them?


. . . .3. Can I store apps on the card, and transfer them to the internal storage when I decide to use them?

Apps won't run from the Sd Card but an apk stored there can be installed.

. . . .4. What other uses will the SD card have on a Non-Rooted VTAB ?

Any app that allows you to choose the data storage point can use it for data. Any app that allows you to browse the file system can use it to work with files (office suites, etc.)

. . . .On another topic, has anyone tried the HDMI connection to stream Netflix to a TV? Does it work well?

I did not test Netflix, but Hulu worked fine for me.
Ok thank you for the replies. Very helpful in my decision process. I bought this tablet as an inexpensive entry experience.

Since the micro SD card cost $20, the micro HDMI cord cost $29, and the Vizio accessory pack is $39 at Sam's Club, the cost of the VTAB is more like $300 total after paying $189 at Costco for just the tablet.

Without the SD card as an integral part of the machine storage, one might just as well move up in the food chain to a Tab with a dual core and more application storage.

The included GPS is just a token feature since it requires a WIFI connection to modify and therefore is not useful in the real world. The remote control for TV feature is a cute toy.
Since the ... micro HDMI cord cost $29

Monoprice.com is your friend. $5 for a 6 foot micro HDMI cable. Video Cables - Micro-HDMI/HDMI

The included GPS is just a token feature since it requires a WIFI connection to modify and therefore is not useful in the real world.

Hardly. If you install a gps app which stores the maps on your device then you have a fully functional navigation device.
Bill2, thank you. I completely forgot Monoprice.com. Great prices and products as I have used them for TV mounts.

Unfortunately, the Amazon price for a class 4 16Gb micro SD card works out to be about the same price as Radio Shack near our grocery store when all taxes and shipping are included.

I have downloaded Sygic as an alternative GPS program. The Vizio antenna will work with that program I guess, but the size of the State of California map eats a lot of storage space. I really need the entire West Coast, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Idaho in my GPS features. Those states will consume most of the storage and I have very few apps downloaded.

I did store the maps on the SD card using the apps management option on the VTab.

Strange that the machine could tell me it did so, because I have yet to unwrap and install the external SD card.
Bill2, thank you. I completely forgot Monoprice.com. Great prices and products as I have used them for TV mounts.

Unfortunately, the Amazon price for a class 4 16Gb micro SD card works out to be about the same price as Radio Shack near our grocery store when all taxes and shipping are included.

I have downloaded Sygic as an alternative GPS program. The Vizio antenna will work with that program I guess, but the size of the State of California map eats a lot of storage space. I really need the entire West Coast, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Idaho in my GPS features. Those states will consume most of the storage and I have very few apps downloaded.

I did store the maps on the SD card using the apps management option on the VTab.

Strange that the machine could tell me it did so, because I have yet to unwrap and install the external SD card.

Not strange, that's the problem with SD card on the Vtab. The Vtab treats the internal storage as an SD card. There are a number of threads describing this issue. I won't get into it here. Do a search for them...
Just chiming in on Netflix through HDMI, works great plugged into my 42" LCD TV. Watched Iron Man 2 just the other day.
Ok thank you for the replies. Very helpful in my decision process. I bought this tablet as an inexpensive entry experience.

Since the micro SD card cost $20, the micro HDMI cord cost $29, and the Vizio accessory pack is $39 at Sam's Club, the cost of the VTAB is more like $300 total after paying $189 at Costco for just the tablet.

Without the SD card as an integral part of the machine storage, one might just as well move up in the food chain to a Tab with a dual core and more application storage.

The included GPS is just a token feature since it requires a WIFI connection to modify and therefore is not useful in the real world. The remote control for TV feature is a cute toy.

So does that comparison include the same accessories for the other tablet? The GPS works fine with a nav app that has offline maps - you know - the same way that most stand-alone GPS units work.

. . .

I have downloaded Sygic as an alternative GPS program. The Vizio antenna will work with that program I guess, but the size of the State of California map eats a lot of storage space. I really need the entire West Coast, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Idaho in my GPS features. Those states will consume most of the storage and I have very few apps downloaded.

I did store the maps on the SD card using the apps management option on the VTab.

Strange that the machine could tell me it did so, because I have yet to unwrap and install the external SD card.

I don't know about Sygic, but the maps for the the Southwest (AZ, CA, NV, NM, UT), the Plains and Rockies (CO, ID, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD, WY), and the Northwest (OR, WA) total 385 MB, not quite "consuming most of the storage".

As far as the storage, more and more Android devices are moving to this model. You can read in detail about the storage on the VTAB here.
"So does that comparison include the same accessories for the other tablet? The GPS works fine with a nav app that has offline maps - you know - the same way that most stand-alone GPS units work."

Actually, one must download a GPS program and the associated maps to the VTAB to work offline. The included GPS program does not have an offline feature, hence my comment. Of course the limited internal storage of the VTAB then becomes an issue in comparison to other Tablets which cost more.

"I don't know about Sygic, but the maps for the the Southwest (AZ, CA, NV, NM, UT), the Plains and Rockies (CO, ID, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD, WY), and the Northwest (OR, WA) total 385 MB, not quite "consuming most of the storage".

Well, my math may be fuzzy since I only spent a brief time to add the State Maps I mentioned above. But the total I get from Sygic is @ 640 MB which is about 1/3 of the remaining available SD Internal storage. That does not include the Plains and the Rockies. I have only downloaded the GPS program and the California map and have 360 MB in storage consumed.

I am a newbie to Android and VTAB. I have read the rooting procedure to force the VTAB to do what it says it already does. I think I understand the mechanics of the internal "SD" storage vs the external SD storage coding as explained by the experienced Android folks.

This is the first time I have had a machine programmed to give me a false answer by any manufacturer. It says it moved my downloaded app to the SD card when no SD card was installed.

The only SD card described in the User Manual is the external SD card.

The referenced article seems to support what I am experiencing.

"Some designer dropped the ball. You can get away with a small amount of internal memory IF you make smart use of external memory.l",

"If you install an app, such a a nav app. that uses a lot of storage, you can fill up your user memory (remember it is 2.4 GB) pretty fast. Co-Pilot’s US maps are 1.3 GB, Navigon’s are 2 GB."

I wonder of you could move the maps to the external SD card (/sdcard/external) and make a symbolic link from the internal storage (/sdcard) to the external SD card (/sdcard/external). Then you could have the maps on the external card but the software would think the maps were in there default location.

I can't remember how to make a symbolic link, it's been a long time since I played around with Linux. Hopefully someone here will jump in and let us know if this will work and how to do it.
I understand that a solution for Rooting a VTAB has been offered.

But, I do not want to go that route while I am testing the VTAB for its usefulness.

I have yet to install my $20 micro SD card so I need to ask what I will be able to do with that card installed.

1. Can I put the maps from Co-Pilot on the card and retain functionality of Co-Pilot GPS ?
2. If I transfer music and photos to the card, with the VTAB find them?
3. Can I store apps on the card, and transfer them to the internal storage when I decide to use them?
4. What other uses will the SD card have on a Non-Rooted VTAB ?

On another topic, has anyone tried the HDMI connection to stream Netflix to a TV? Does it work well?

Thanks in advance for any info.

astro file manger for sd card on non rooted device . these are easy to root. hdmi works good. for rooting instruction email me at rtinman34@yahoo.com
Symbolic links don't work on a vfat partition :( However, for the Sygic app I was able to move the maps to a folder on the external micro sd card by editing one of the config files. Here is a link.

If you want to want to try installing the Maps to your SD card, try the following steps. This is from xda-developers - View Single Post - Put navigatin maps on external SD card?

For the Vizio, use "external" instead of "external_sd" in the procedure below.

1. Install Sygic GPS Navigation on your Android phone.

2. Start the Sygic Download application and download your favorites maps.

3. After download is completed close the Sygic Download application and connect your phone in USB storage mode to a pc.

4. On the pc side, move all content except database.xml and base-is-ok.txt from Aura folder on the internal phone memory to a folder called Aura on the external_sd card.

So after this process on the internal phone memory should be a folder called Aura with 2 files in it: database.xml and base-is-ok.txt and on the external sd card in the Aura folder should be all the files needed by Sygic.

5. Make a back-up copy of database.xml then open it with Notepad editor. You will see that the file is pretty consistent. While in Notepad press CRTL+H and the find and replace option appears.

In the <Find what> field write:Aura/

In the <Replace with> field write:external_sd/Aura/

Now press <Replace All> then Save the file (CTRL+S).

6. Disconnect storage from PC and start Sygic GPS Navigation. The program should start with no problem.

Make sure not to start Sygic Download application. If you want new maps you have to start the process all over again.

If something goes wrong and your Sygic GPS Navigation application is not working or you just want to go to default program folders you can always delete the Aura folder from internal phone memory and external sd card but be aware you'll lose all the downloaded maps.

Also you can move the content of Aura folder on the external sd card back to Aura folder on the internal phone memory, delete database.xml file, restore the back-up file and everything should be fine.

Try this also if you have issues of the app not working, etc.

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"I don't know about Sygic, but the maps for the the Southwest (AZ, CA, NV, NM, UT), the Plains and Rockies (CO, ID, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD, WY), and the Northwest (OR, WA) total 385 MB, not quite "consuming most of the storage".

Well, my math may be fuzzy since I only spent a brief time to add the State Maps I mentioned above. But the total I get from Sygic is @ 640 MB which is about 1/3 of the remaining available SD Internal storage. That does not include the Plains and the Rockies. I have only downloaded the GPS program and the California map and have 360 MB in storage consumed.

I was offering an alternative to Sygic that uses less storage. I stated clearly that "I don't know about Sygic".

I am a newbie to Android and VTAB. I have read the rooting procedure to force the VTAB to do what it says it already does. I think I understand the mechanics of the internal "SD" storage vs the external SD storage coding as explained by the experienced Android folks.

This is the first time I have had a machine programmed to give me a false answer by any manufacturer. It says it moved my downloaded app to the SD card when no SD card was installed.

The only SD card described in the User Manual is the external SD card.

The referenced article seems to support what I am experiencing.

"Some designer dropped the ball. You can get away with a small amount of internal memory IF you make smart use of external memory.l",

"If you install an app, such a a nav app. that uses a lot of storage, you can fill up your user memory (remember it is 2.4 GB) pretty fast. Co-Pilot&#8217;s US maps are 1.3 GB, Navigon&#8217;s are 2 GB."

Yeah - I know what the article says - I wrote it.