WHAT DO YOU USE YOUR NOOK COLOR FOR and do you use it as planned before buying it?

Have to try.....yepper, works just as well in landscape mode. Bluetooth does not care either way. Waiting on new usb adapter as my other adapter will not work in portrait mode. Want to get the passport drive working in portrait mode so I can start photo editing on the nook. Host mode on the nook running cm7 has put my netbook in the closet. Along with the other tablets and the desktop computers.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum


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Just made my nook more useful and am one step closer to it being a netbook replacement. New keyboard paired and working within 5 minutes out of the box.

Sent from my IDEOS S7 using Android Tablet Forum

Looks great! Since you seem to be using the Logitech Tablet Keyboard for iPad with you Nook Color, do you know what the difference is between "for iPad" and "for Android" versions of this keyboard? Our home has both platforms and I'd love to get one -instead of two- if they are interchangeable between iOS and Android.

I did not see an android version of this keyboard at Best Buy and as I am using the ipad version with no trouble, it should work with either platform. The only issue you might have is the pairing as the system assigns a pin to the keyboard for apple. According to the pairing instructions that came with the kbd, you power up your ipad then the kbd. The ipad recognises the keyboard and a window pops up giving you a unique number to type into the keyboard for pairing. Apperantely, apple assigns this number to the keyboard. For the nook, I turned on bluetooth after downloading bluekeyboard JP from the market. The keyboard bluetooth light flashes as it searches for the nook. I types in 0000 on the nook then 0000 on the keyboard and they paired within about 5 seconds. After that, when I turn on bt on the nook, I just turn on the keyboard and they are paired. Since apple assigns a unique pairing number to the keyboard, you might have to pair with the apple device first and remember that number then ues the same number for the nook as it seems to program that pairing number into the memory of the keyboard. At $69.00, the keyboard seemed to be a bit high but after using it for a few days, , this thing is very well built. The case that comes with the keyboard can be used as a stand for the nook but as I charg mine while working, I prefer the Griffin stand I picked up at Wal Mart. It was $24.00 but is another solid piece with lots of rubber to prevent anything from sliding.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
I coolest thing that I have used my nook for so far is connecting to my BMW's DME to read falt codes and view all of the live data from the motor with my ELM 327 OBD II Bluetooth adapter. I have done this with my Droid X previously, but I have been really missing that now that I have my iPhone. I no longer have to bring the laptop (also a tablet) to view something simple.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
I like what you did,Moshe .... your nook looks better than the asus transformer! Be careful with smoking, nook colors don't like second hand smoke.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum ..
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Thanks, gloria. This nook has become my main computer. As for the smoke, I try not to smoke too much around it but after 40 years as a heavy smoker, my hardware has to be as tough as I am or it does not stay around too long. I clean all my computer hardware daily just before I clean my guns. Old habits die hard.
As for the transformer, I looked at one but thought my nook was a better overall device and much better built.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Hello all. First post.

I use my NC for intended purposes and many more discovered after rooting it. Intended purposes were web surfing, emailing, and having offline access to local .pdfs and Office files (I travel extensively for work and usually can't count on internet access during working hours). I knew before I purchased my NC that I'd be rooting it to be able to locally store and edit Office files.

After purchasing it, and spending time here and in the XDA Nook forums, I have a mobile device that really complements my iphone & laptop. Using CM 7.1.0-RC1 on SD, I use the NC for intended purposes and also, Netflix, Dropbox for local work files, including .pdfs, Evernote, OliveOffice to view & edit Office Files, viewing on-device images & video, various aviation-related apps, and using numerous other Android apps. I also find I'm doing more casual reading and doing so on the NC. I found the Calibre e-book program and have selected roughly a dozen magazines of interest that I now read regularly. Also, surprisingly, Angry Birds for me and racing games for my son, work very well.

Also, keeping Stock NC 1.2 along with ManualNooter, on the EMMC, I can reboot back to stock for the times I let my kids read their ebooks that on the device.

Something else about the NC that makes the experience better than expected and that doesn't get discussed a lot is the quality of the display. The IPS technology of the screen really makes viewing the screen a pleasure, especially at night, while reading in bed, when I can hold the NC at an angle and still have a completely viewable screen. I don't have to worry about holding it "just so" to find the sweet spot for the display. The adjbrightness .apk that you can download from the Andriod market allows me to dial down the display brightness to as little as 5%, which I use at night. And, using the Nook Tweaks app, also in the Market, I've bumped up the audio output for the speaker, so if I want to watch Netflix instead of reading, I can do so & have it play at a very comfortable audio level.
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Welcome to the forum, crp 852...it looks like you really really like your nook and enjoy it..... you deserve to be on the list of the proud nooks owners, hope our mod J P is listening so he can put you there

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
After having auto_nooted my nook after getting it for christmas and loading CM7 and Phiremod (among others), I have returned to stock (1.2) NC. I find it runs smoothest and now that I have an iPhone (wedding gift that me and the mrs bought ourselves) I can once again use my NC as originally intended. And I am loving it! Finishing up Enders Game and then diving into my love affair with ASoIaF: A Dance With Dragons!