WHAT DO YOU USE YOUR NOOK COLOR FOR and do you use it as planned before buying it?

@JP, 7.0.3 n110 at present. Have tried shootme and had no success at this point. I went on a mission to find a a solution a few weeks ago and tried every screenshot program on the market. Still no luck. Have most everything else I could want, USB support, ect. And the 2790 quadrant scores are great. Just the little things missing.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Yep nightlies will do that usually takes a while before they get the kernel baked to handle screen shots.
Moshe,desperate times, desperate mesures.....why don' t you take a pic of your screen and post it in my thread? It would be great to have you after all the work you did in order to be able to take a screenshot.
I bought my NC because I wanted an ebook reader but also wanted to surf the internet. I was also interested in a tablet but had no interest in following the ipad crowd. I started looking at rooting the NC after realizing how B&N locked the Nook down. I started researching the rooting process which led me to this forum and after some tentative steps, rooted my NC and loved it ever since. It does all the things other tablets can do with the exception of playing videos on autocar.Co.UK.

Biggest advantage so far is that its not an ipad and that people are surprised that it can do what other tablets can do at 50% of the cost and a little elbow grease. Looking forward to a Android 3.0 ROM.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Funny story to start the day.
I was at Best Buy yesterday looking at all the new tablets. There was a young lady there also looking at them with one of the salesmen I have schooled a bit on android in general. Had my nook with me. The lady was looking for a device to check email, play an occasional game and read her books. She has several hundred books from other e readers she wanted to use as well. She was taking pages of notes as the salesman was leading her to the ipad2 and galaxy tab. She saw my nook and asked me what it was. The salesman's face began to fall as she spoke to me. He knew where this was going. I showed the lady all the features she was looking for in a tablet that was a fraction of the cost of the other tabs. As the salesman listed the features of each tablet, I showed the lady each of the same features on the nook.
Long story short, new nook owner and unhappy salesman. Having some experience in sales, I explained to salesman it is better to find the customer exactly what they need rather than oversell and deal with returns. No hard feelings. Still friends with salesman but now he is reading more about the tabs they sell. He told me I have an unfair advantage. I told him to join the android tablet forum and really learn about the devices he sells.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Hello everyone.... I got my NC as a Father's Day gift and while it's mainly for reading, I already bought an SD card and hopefully I will be able to root it by next week in order to make it more "personal"..... One thing that I have tried is scanning favorite magazines that no one seems to have as e-mags (such as Heavy Metal, WWII, etc).... I just scan them as a PDF document and VOILA! I now have favorite magazines to read on my NC! If you're willing to try this, just know that it does take about an hour for a full-sized magazine....
Welcome, lobitos. I think you will really enjoy your nook as you get used to it's potential. Look around the forum and see what others are doing with their nooks.
@idontknow, finally got screenshots to work with the new cm7 mutely.here are 2.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum


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Well, one at this time...program says wrong format on the other but have it working.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Bought my Nook and had it rooted and running within two hours; I've never looked back.
It's main jobs are; Ebooks, Email, news/weather and general web surfing.

Thanks to this forum's members for sharing their knowledge so willingly..
Great story,Moshe ...you should have left the poor guy make the higher commission he was aiming to.....I bet the young lady customer was pretty! !
Great screenshot .....it was worth it the wait and hope you can post it in - just screenshots - as well!
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@idontknow, the lady was older and I would rather see her walk out with what she needs rather than have her return something to the store because she was unhappy. Got to keep things in balance. The salesman understood my point. Most profit is made on accessories rather than the original sale. A return customer is better for business.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Gloria, at my age, most women are young ladies to me. As for the screenshot, will try to get some uploaded this evening.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Looking for a Netflix fix currently

Sent from my Nexus S using Android Tablet Forum
Just made my nook more useful and am one step closer to it being a netbook replacement. New keyboard paired and working within 5 minutes out of the box.

Sent from my IDEOS S7 using Android Tablet Forum


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