What's the Deal with No Spell Checks

"it's in the keyboard..." can you elaborate? does this mean there is a setting in the keyboard that turns on spell check? Today I went to BB & played around with Polaris, then Pages on the iPad 2... I was quite impressed with Polaris, but I can't mess around I kneed spell cheque!

By it is in the keyboard, it is in the AutoCorrect of the keyboard. If you are using a physical keyboard (USB or Bluetooth) then you lose your spell checking.

For large documents on my tablet, I copy the text and then go to an app called "Spell Checker" to check spelling. Not ideal, but it is better than nothing.
Try SwiftKey X Tablet version, you don't need no more then that. ;)

Sent from Rob's TapadaIconia :D
thanks for the info....

ok... autocorrect = spell check... is in the keyboard and not the app. Is it similar to what is on the iphone or ipad? does it work as efficiently as on apple products?

How about the ASUS keyboard dock... does that cause the auto correct to not work? I have my eye on the ASUS Prime; and I NEED autocorrect or spell check. Copying and pasting into another app is a step I don't want do deal with.... I am looking to save steps not add steps:)
I have recently bought android office that has a a spellchecker, which is a huge relief to me.