Where can the Coby Kyros (Gen 1) be Purchased? Price trends?

Got 2 from RadioShack shipped for $130 each with tax. They are to arrive today.
Its not from US, but today i found a store from a shopping tech, but only one store, selling the MID7015 new for 99$ ( others from 130$ to... 260$!!! ), its very suspicious, but tomorrow im gonna take that finally XD
Sounds like it's on the final Clearance that's why the price is slow low. Radio Shacks Policy is if no one buys it at the low Clearance Price the product will be free. Yes that's correct free. $0.00 But Something like this item won't happen.
$100USD is possible. Equivalent devices retail for as low as 600RMB in China. Coby can still make money on you selling the thing at $100USD.

Price drop would be nice. Thanks for the heads up.