Where to buy Archos in stock?

Your order, number , consisting of the following items has shipped on Nov 3 2010. 501582 A70 IT 8GB

YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! but this only means that UPS was notified about picking up the package, which may not happen today (but it better!)
Well, at the german shop they run fastly out of stock...
The next supply will arrive in the second half of november and on 12th of november with other shops^^

One last things that unnerves me is the fact that the tablet is about 20% cheaper in the US that in Europe/Germany!
Just tried ordering from Archos direct. They will not ship to Australia. The Australian reseller minidisc is $419 compared to $274US sellers. Now with the Aus$ almost parity with US - how come so expensive over here??????

Aussie buyers. It looks like you can pre-order here for $352.97 +$20 Freight still expensive but maybe only $50 dearer than US when you take freight into account, not due until mid month tho

Note right hand side GST is exempt at the moment for Aussie buyers
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Just ordered mine overnight shipping... here's hoping for Friday, although Thursday will be nice.

So, who's gonna root and ROM it? ;)
gpt mine. its awesome and pretty. it has eclair 2.1 update 1. its very fast and resppnsive. (some of the youtibe videos looked laggy) its chargong now. i did put launcher pro on it. blazzing fast. i have dragged files off my network with ease. bluetooth file transfer works great.with froyo this will be a beast. gonna try out minisquadron and some things later on. infrastructure hotspot from my droid x was noticed instantly and i was surfing. browser is fast.adhoc did not work though. i havent tried bluetooth dun yet. got a pretty good wifi range too.it seemed a little off if more than 3 devices are connected to my network though. ill test some thing later.
gpt mine. its awesome and pretty. it has eclair 2.1 update 1. its very fast and resppnsive. (some of the youtibe videos looked laggy) its chargong now. i did put launcher pro on it. blazzing fast. i have dragged files off my network with ease. bluetooth file transfer works great.with froyo this will be a beast. gonna try out minisquadron and some things later on. infrastructure hotspot from my droid x was noticed instantly and i was surfing. browser is fast.adhoc did not work though. i havent tried bluetooth dun yet. got a pretty good wifi range too.it seemed a little off if more than 3 devices are connected to my network though. ill test some thing later.

Congrats!!! (and this can only mean mine is that closer to delivery lol). Disappointed to hear it did come with 2.1, hopefully won't be long before they have the froyo update.
"shipping with Android 2.1 (upgradeable to 2.2 end of November)"

This is in contrast to the general list of specs on the main website that says 2.2 will be available first week of November.
Aussie buyers. It looks like you can pre-order here for $352.97 +$20 Freight still expensive but maybe only $50 dearer than US when you take freight into account, not due until mid month tho

Note right hand side GST is exempt at the moment for Aussie buyers

Aussie buyers. Ordered mine today from above for $340AUD delivery estimated at 8 days and $20 freight
Anybody heard anything on a ship date for the 101? I think the 70 is just going to be a little small for my purposes.
just preordered my 70 8G! Off Archos - should be out 11th Nov! Kinda annoying that they have already taken payment from my card though!!! Guessing that means I'm definitely getting it then :p
I inquired about my pre-order this morning from archos.ca (I pre-ordered in October), here was the response: :(

There was a tiny batch of 70s and no 101s received by Archos which they put on their site. The large batch is in transit to them now and as soon as they get it they are shipping to me. All this should take between 10 and 14 days