Wifi instability FIX! (Not for the faint of heart)

Nov 1, 2011
Hello i have found a way to fix wifi issues permanantly on Eken M009s_v18 or similar models :D
The instability i have found is a result of the wifi card overheating, there is a easy fix! it overheats because the tiny built in antenna is not adequate, my card had antenna leads for a external antenna, i took one out of a laptop trimmed the cable soldered it in and like magic it works w/o overheating at 18dbm output!
No more overheating! if you want pics let me know i'll post them here :D
Pics, part numbers, etc. More the better. Any other mods you do I'd be interested in photos as well.
$2011-11-02-164048.jpg$2011-11-02-164103.jpg$2011-11-02-164118.jpg$2011-11-02-164139.jpg$2011-11-02-164211.jpg Pics as requested , also i said it was a eken m009s_v18 correction it is a eken m009s_v16

I did not notice this when i took these pics but i broke a solder on the antenna lead
you can tell by looking at it here i did not notice that was a cold solder b/c i was exhausted when i did it...
the proper method of soldering these in is middle of the three solder points is the output on the tranciever, this is a coax style cable the middle wire surrounded by the ground, you solder the ground to the two on the outside and the one in the middle is the tiny middle cable
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also more pics $2011-11-02-164221.jpg$2011-11-02-164227.jpg$2011-11-02-164246.jpg$2011-11-02-164253.jpg$2011-11-02-164302.jpgthe third pic shows the solder pads i soldered on, fourth shows the built in wifi card and uilt in antenna (which is usb).fifth shows the antenna i added. the first and second are model number on the board and manufacture date.
something i need to mention here also, when working on this project make sure you trim the cable to a length of either (multiples of the following numbers will work too) 1/4x 1/2x or 1/8x the wave length of wifi (2.4ghz) google for wave length calculator! if you fail to trim the cable to a acceptable length you will modify the output wave-length on the antenna!! be careful! if you are sloppy it is easy to fry your wifi card or make it no longer function!$2011-11-02-164316.jpg this is all the part numbers i have for the wifi antenna, I used a antenna from a broken laptop i had laying around. i can post links to some antennas on ebay, make sure you use a pcb antenna NOT a metal antenna for obvious reasons. the pcb you can glue to the battery (like i did here)
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hi there. you mentioned on another thread about cutting wifi wire to length for band width. fistly, will any laptop wifi pcb do & second, have you got any guidelines of these lengths? my tab is a mid703 (i think!!):confused:
sound like a great idea buuuuut, i don't think i'm tech savey enough to pull this off without totally messing up my tablet, Then void any warranty in doing so. Is this the only solution as far as you are aware of? Could it not be something else? I am reading quite a bit about antennas over heating. This flat out, period point blank SUCKS!

MID 7" android tablet (model wm8650) rooted