Wifi will not stay on

Thanks cfrockit,

Is loading that driver likely to invalidate my warranty, as the link you attached suggests an update to the firmware, (i.e.

adb push rt2870.bin /system/etc/firmware). Or will a factory reset be my get-out-of-jail card here in case of problems?

My Disgo 6000 came in a box with a sticker attacked to say pre-installed with 2.2 (I assume this is covering up the bit that says its 2.1)

WRT the Hardware ID, this is not shown in the Settings -> 'About device' panel.
/proc/cmdline gives me Hope this helps.


Update: I have not upgraded the driver yet, or changed the TxPower setting thus far. From full battery and boot the unit lasted 1:35mins on battery with me doing little on it.
The largest chunk of battery (~75%) was used by 'Cell Standby' which I assume to mean its not doing much.
I am hoping the changes suggested make a difference.
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I also bought a Disgo 6000 tablet from e-bay. It came with a "Android 2.2" sticker, but from what I saw it was using the original firmware from Disgo (with Android 2.1). It was not even updated to the last version available from the producer (the automatic update procedure was active and I was able to download and install "Update1").
I used the info from the How to manually update SYNET7LP/SYTABEX7/Disgo 6000 to Android 2.2 "Froyo" thread to install 2.2 version (the file I used was and never looked back.
The battery life goes up a lot if you tone down the screen brightness (I'm using about 20%) and wireless power. Using it a book reader, with wi-fi turned off, I'm getting 3-4 hours from a full charge of the battery - not bad for a 60 pounds tablet.
Oh, and updating the wireless driver has improved the stability of the connection a lot.
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Thanks for that.
I am rooted, but don't have access to RootExplorer as its a paid for app, and as we know paid for apps are not avail with this unit. Is there an equiv I can use. I have tried using Astro to edit the .dat file, but permissions wont let me save it.
Androotfile can't chmod the wireless .dat as it says the file system its read only.
The /system partition is mounted by default as read-only, so you first need to remount it in read-write mode.
You will need Android Terminal app (you can download it for free from Android Market). After you have it installed (and I understand the tablet is already rooted), type in the console:


This will give you root access in the console.


You should see a list of all mounted partitions, make sure to note which is the /system one. The entry should look something like this:
/dev/block/mtdblock3 /system yaffs2 ro,relatime 0 0

Now it's time to make the /system editable:
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

This will re-mount the /system partition in read-write mode. Make sure to replace "/dev/block/mtdblock3" with whatever device is listed in the previous step.

After that, you can change the file attributes using "chmod" command - or some file manager like Astro, if it supports it - and edit it at will.
Thanks for that Vio.
After I've made all the necessary changes, do I need to remount read-only again, as in:

[COLOR=#0000cd]mount -o remount,[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B]ro [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#0000cd]-t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system[/COLOR]
Or is it best to leave it writable long term.

Thanks for that Vio.
After I've made all the necessary changes, do I need to remount read-only again, as in:

[COLOR=#0000cd]mount -o remount,[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B]ro [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#0000cd]-t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system[/COLOR]
Or is it best to leave it writable long term.


Technically yes, you should remount it read-only when you're done with your tweaking. Practically, the /system is mounted as read-only on boot time, so if you shut down your tablet often it won't matter... Since the Disgo has a poor battery life, I prefer to shut it down at the end of the day.
Technically yes, you should remount it read-only when you're done with your tweaking. Practically, the /system is mounted as read-only on boot time, so if you shut down your tablet often it won't matter... Since the Disgo has a poor battery life, I prefer to shut it down at the end of the day.
Thanks, yes found this out when I needed to change another file after a reboot.
D'oh should have known this from my UNIX support work many years ago.

Well I have the the new f/w in place for the wireless, plus power saving mode, and have made the other recommended changes,(screen brightness, touch screen config etc)
So we will see how its goes.Have to say I can't see how I am going to get much more than 2-3hrs out of this unit if I can only get 1:35hrs untweaked, but we will see.


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Well the wireless is pants always dropping out and realllly, really, sloooowwww when it does work. I have checked the permissions on the new rt2870.bin file and for some reason the permissions are -rw------.
Doesn't look right me me so set world and group, read and execute to make it -rwxr-xr-x.
Is there anything else I have to do to get this f/w read properly.
Its unusable at the moment.

Have changed the perm to -rwxr-xr-x on the new firmware bin file and will see how it goes. Can anyone comment on the strength of the internal aerial? Unless I am physically about 15-20ft from the router (with no walls in the way) the signal drops out and I lose connection. I know this is just small unit with a small int aerial but this seems well bad.
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Have changed the perm to -rwxr-xr-x on the new firmware bin file and will see how it goes. Can anyone comment on the strength of the internal aerial? Unless I am physically about 15-20ft from the router (with no walls in the way) the signal drops out and I lose connection. I know this is just small unit with a small int aerial but this seems well bad.

Here are a few posts which can also be searched using keywords (antenna, Ethernet):

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Not trying to be funny cfrockit (seriously) and I do value your input/help, but is this your way of telling me I need to search harder.
Often when you're a newbie on a forum its difficult to find what others may seem obvious.

I have now read many posts about the wifi issues with these tablets but its often difficult to split the wheat from the chaff.

I've made the recommended changes and if anything the wifi performance is worst not better.
I just wanted to know what the typical wifi range is of these items, or if there is anything else to try. I ain't cracking the box open to fix what shouldn't be broken.

20ft max range in clear view of the router doesn't seem good to me, when my little acer netbook easily reaches to the end of the garden some 4-5 times this. But if this is typical.....then there's no point looking for a fix.

As I say I do appreciate the help, so please don't take this post the wrong way :).
Not trying to be funny cfrockit (seriously) and I do value your input/help, but is this your way of telling me I need to search harder.
Often when you're a newbie on a forum its difficult to find what others may seem obvious.

I have now read many posts about the wifi issues with these tablets but its often difficult to split the wheat from the chaff.

I've made the recommended changes and if anything the wifi performance is worst not better.
I just wanted to know what the typical wifi range is of these items, or if there is anything else to try. I ain't cracking the box open to fix what shouldn't be broken.

20ft max range in clear view of the router doesn't seem good to me, when my little acer netbook easily reaches to the end of the garden some 4-5 times this. But if this is typical.....then there's no point looking for a fix.

As I say I do appreciate the help, so please don't take this post the wrong way :).

Honestly, no offensive I was just referencing how I located the information because there is no way to retain everything that is posted. Searching is not a requirement here, as most of here are newbie's (I've only been participating since December) and there is no way to index this information. My attempt was the http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...resources-synet7lp-sytabex7-disgo-6000-a.html thread but it fails to capture the ongoing dialog of useful information so I often resort to an Advanced Search of this forum if I think I've seen a similar request.

WiFi is a complaint of all of the devices running infoTMIC firmware. Not sure there is much that can be done. My range is significantly better than you describe so I would be inclined to suggest returning the tablet if still under warranty. It won't address the inherent design and firmware issues but you could attempt to see if a replacement is better if your device is faulty. I don't think your extreme experience is typical but an exception and should be addressed with Digital Gadgets Customer Service. There is only so much the user community can do to make these devices function.
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Thanks for the reply cfrockit. Appreciate the help you've provided.

I only bought the tablet, new, online a few days ago so will be returning it, as you advise, for a replacement. It only cost me £70 delivered, which is not much more than the price of electronic photo frame these days, so I still consider it a bargain if I can get the wireless issue cracked.


Thanks for the reply cfrockit. Appreciate the help you've provided.

I only bought the tablet, new, online a few days ago so will be returning it, as you advise, for a replacement. It only cost me £70 delivered, which is not much more than the price of electronic photo frame these days, so I still consider it a bargain if I can get the wireless issue cracked.



In re-reviewing your previous posts I noticed this response.

WRT the Hardware ID, this is not shown in the Settings -> 'About device' panel.
/proc/cmdline gives me Hope this helps.

The Disgo firmware is reported to start with 12 not 11, 11 was Sylvania.

config_company.ini from InfoTM Update Wrap tools (IUW.exe Version 1.2)

What does the boot animation show after the infoTMIC logo?

Again, we were not aware of 2.2 for the Disgo version of the tablet. While it's been confirmed the update would install on a device, it seems to be fraught with issues. The WiFi issues could be compounded by the seller putting the Sylvania (Digital Gadgets) update on a Disgo tablet.

If supported by Disgo, possibly contacting them may get the proper update that would benefit us all. Many Sylvania tablets have been returned to Digital Gadgets just because the automatic update process failed to work. What is Disgo's response if you report the Update Check does not work?

They are planning on coming out with a 10" version like Sylvania so they are in the tablet business. How are they going to support users if their last update was Tablet 6000 - Update 1.1 December 2010. Good luck!
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For the record - My disgo i purchased from scan definitely has android 2.2 on it according to the 'about phone' screen. "2.2 v1.9". I can try and grab a screen shot if it helps?

Sent from my disgo6000 using Android Tablet Forum
For the record - My disgo i purchased from scan definitely has android 2.2 on it according to the 'about phone' screen. "2.2 v1.9". I can try and grab a screen shot if it helps?

Sent from my disgo6000 using Android Tablet Forum
cheesemp, "2.2 v1.9" as far as I can recall has NEVER been reported! Great information. Yes a screen shot but more importantly, the Hardware ID "hwver". Then if you're really willing a image dump of the mtd2 "resv" partition would be beneficial.

dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd2 of=/sdcard/mtd2.img bs=4096
The command above can be executed either through adb shell or Android Terminal Emulator. I can provide more instructions if needed. The image saved on the SD card "mtd2.img" may contain the InfoTM Update Wrap (.ius) file that could let others upgrade to the proper firmware for the Disgo.
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