Wifi will not stay on

Interesting comments included in the Linux Kernel Source related to wifi.


I'm hesitant to add a TODO file here, as the wireless developers would
really have people help them out on the "clean" rt2870 driver that can
be found at the http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/ site.

But, if you wish to clean up this driver instead, here's a short list of
things that need to be done to get it into a more mergable shape:

- checkpatch.pl clean
- sparse clean
- port to in-kernel 80211 stack and common rt2x00 infrastructure
- remove reading from /etc/ config files
- review by the wireless developer community

Please send any patches or complaints about this driver to Greg
Kroah-Hartman <greg@kroah.com> and don't bother the upstream wireless
kernel developers about it, they want nothing to do with it.
Interesting comments included in the Linux Kernel Source related to wifi.

S'cuse my ignorance here, but this TODO is hidden within the source code supplied via that other thread??
So is this saying that there is a bunch of stuff to get this driver working better, and they are looking for someone/anyone with some spare time to patch it, but don't bother the wireless kernel dev team as they have bigger fish to fry, i.e we have what we have, live with it - or fix it yourself?
For those interested, there is an ongoing discussion of similar wifi issues and more possible fixes in the xda-developers thread [ROM] (Flytouch 2, SuperPad, WWE10) 2.2 v2.1 #3925 starting in post #251. For the really brave, cpu overclocking is suggested and for those with Launcher Pro more workarounds. While the firmware may be this issue the tablets discussed are using the same base Kernel and file systems the Sylvania/Disgo tablets.

If any of the suggestions work please post.
For those interested, there is an ongoing discussion of similar wifi issues and more possible fixes in the xda-developers thread [ROM] (Flytouch 2, SuperPad, WWE10) 2.2 v2.1 #3925 starting in post #251. For the really brave, cpu overclocking is suggested and for those with Launcher Pro more workarounds. While the firmware may be this issue the tablets discussed are using the same base Kernel and file systems the Sylvania/Disgo tablets.

If any of the suggestions work please post.
Thanks for the info. I'll have a dig around.

I have overclocked/modded my HTC phone (Wildfire) successfully but only after ensuring that the settings were consistent with others who had taken the gamble, to ensure that chip life was not detrimentally impacted (too much). In the case of the wildfire, that CPU stating base is quite a bit lower that these tablets, and its been working fine at some 30% OC.
Underclocking is just as important as OC BTW to ensure battery life impact of the OC is balanced when the phone/tablet can afford to run slower, i.e when idling.
Because of the new OC settings, SKYPE is at least usable now on the wildfire.

But IMHO OC is really a last resort for an issue like this wifi problem. There is absolutely no reason why this shouldn't work consistently OOTB, and it doesn't for a lot of us. If the fw/driver was written properly you would not have to resort to such drastic measures.
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meggiedude just for the record I found my wifi kept dropping out when at my parents on their wifi (Which is very old (almost 10 years?) G router) yet my brother new asus eeepad (running android 3.0) was completely solid. I've not had issues like this with my routers (both less than a year old) though - heck I even managed to play iplayer video from the back of house where the phone struggles. It may be symptomatic of having issues with certain routers?
I was told it was my router causing my wifi drop issues too. My router is a 2 year old Linksys that I flashed with DD-WRT and tweaked. My tablet drops the signal in my bedroom (which is about 25 ft from the router) and yet I can watch videos off of my media server at my parents house (200 ft away) from my laptop. My cell phone will even pick up the signal (although its weak) from the parents house.

I am not giving up on the weak wifi card. I am also going to try moving the wire away from the speaker too. It runs right across the magnet.
meggiedude just for the record I found my wifi kept dropping out when at my parents on their wifi (Which is very old (almost 10 years?) G router) yet my brother new asus eeepad (running android 3.0) was completely solid. I've not had issues like this with my routers (both less than a year old) though - heck I even managed to play iplayer video from the back of house where the phone struggles. It may be symptomatic of having issues with certain routers?
Hmm maybe.
I finally got my wireless N (300Mb/s) Belkin (yuck - but it was cheap) router and have set it up. Its made no real difference to the range of the wifi. Unless have a full solid 3 bars on the tablets wifi and I am line of sign to the router an less than say 25ft from the router it slows to a halt.
One thing I have notice however is that stability has improve since I did a factory data reset. (Not 3-finger factory reset - as that doesn't work).
So now I don't get the random dropouts unless the tablets is very warm, but I do still get the same range issues.
Something is stopping this tablets wifi unit working OK and its not the router. I have the optimal channel selected for best signal strength and all my other wifi units including my phone see and use the router signal fine.
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I was told it was my router causing my wifi drop issues too. My router is a 2 year old Linksys that I flashed with DD-WRT and tweaked. My tablet drops the signal in my bedroom (which is about 25 ft from the router) and yet I can watch videos off of my media server at my parents house (200 ft away) from my laptop. My cell phone will even pick up the signal (although its weak) from the parents house.

I am not giving up on the weak wifi card. I am also going to try moving the wire away from the speaker too. It runs right across the magnet.
Yes I am wondering about this too. If the wifi wires are slap on top of the speaker unit, as the other case open thread pics indicate, I would not mind betting that will be causing the issues.
I do get a low level buzz from the speaker after boot, so there is some interference causing this, maybe the wifi unit. But the thing is there is so much packed into this unit I guess there is only so much you can do to move things around.
Mine seems to have trouble locking on to a given router if there are lots of other routers present.

Hope someone posts back their experiences with the USB wireless dongles-- would like to know if such a workaround is possible.
Mine seems to have trouble locking on to a given router if there are lots of other routers present.

Hope someone posts back their experiences with the USB wireless dongles-- would like to know if such a workaround is possible.
I would not build your hopes up.

There are no drivers to support anything much via the mini usb posts.
You can transfer data from a pen drive and plug in a keyboard/mouse combo, but not much more.
If there was a way to get a wireless dongle or anything useful to work via the USB ports believe me someone here would have done it. One of the reasons I returned my first Disgo 6000 was because of the poor, poor wifi reception.

wi fi try to connect for ever

long press home page with launcher pro
then select
IP adress
choose static IP (enter adress, gateway, mask, dns)

my box run without drops,
will try to figure out wheres the bug with the dhcp-stuff"

rgds, pedrinho