Winner for Day 5 of 5 Days of Christmas


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 30, 2010

Jcurless is the winner of the 5th day of Christmas. I want to apologize for leaving everyone hanging and not announcing it sooner and I also want to say thank you to one of our members for reminding me that I didn't announce the winner to the whole community ( I would say this user name but I only have his actual name and its not my place to share that ). I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I also hope everyone loved the 5 Days of Christmas Contest. If you feel like congratulating Jcurless feel free to in the comments, also if you have any ideas for future contest please let us know in the comments. And welcome to all our new members that received tablets for Christmas.
Congrats on winning the tab... hopefully all goes well... I'm actually pinching pennies until the moto tab comes out :) .. not that I've had alot to talk about on the forum since I don't have a tablet yet... but i'll be back... but again congrats on the win...
Jcurless a big congratulations!!!! Thank you for being a great member of our forum :)
Congrats on your win, you lucky one. But if you would like to trade for the shirt that I won PM ;)
Have a happy happy holidays!!!
Congrats to the winner. I'd like to thank this board for pointing me to the other comp as I won that one!!!
Congrats man on the win. Enjoy it! not that the holiday season is over, i'll be getting a tablet for myself :) and will be more active rather then just the "news" sections. lol