Witstech A81G or HeroTab C9


Mar 21, 2011
Should I wait for the HeroTab C9 or get the A81G capicitive/Gps Teh herotab is also capacitive and gps.
Personally, I would wait and get the Herotab C9

The Herotab has a Faster CPU, 2.0MP Video Camera, HDMI Output, Built-In Microphone, More OP-System navigation buttons, Supports Higher Video Output (1080P ?), is reported to have a better GPS Module (not confirmed by me) and is also reported to have better, more sensitive G-Sensors.

The only advantage I can see with the Witstech is the removable battery
Herotab dropped the ball on that one
The C9 would have the Elite Unit with a removable battery and 3G...

That's why I already pre-ordered a C9 to replace my A81G