WM8650 8" Android Tablet help


Dec 27, 2011

I just received the 8" Android Tablet model #WM8650.
Android Version 2.2 ( I would like to bump this up to 2.3 or 3.0 )
Kernel version
Build number generic-eng2.2 Froyo Ver 1.5.5-20110920.033830

I've read numerous posts and threads. Trying to figure out

Which one is for my 8" Tablet. I have seen a red light coming from underneath the "go back button" is that the RED LED ya'll spoke about?
If that is..Then while it it powered on..I see Green. The Audio jack is black. How will I know which model to use?

Also I've read numerous threads which state this...
1. Open the Market and press the home button to return
2. Go to Settings Applications Manage Running
3. Press “Market”
4. Press “Clear cache” (do not clear data)
5. Press “Force stop”
6. Return to “Settings Applications Manage Running”
7. Press “Google Services Framework”
8. Press “Clear Data”
9. Press “Force Stop”
10. Start Google Market, it must give an error
11. Reboot, once back Market should work, if it gives an error it could need another minute to work
12. Test the access, search Skype on the market, it should return 400+ results including the original Skype and google’s apps like maps / streetview / docs and skype

I don't have "Market" I do however have two "App Markets" How can I get the "MARKET" also LIVE wallpapers??

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank You

Gavin Kelly
Official Gavin Kelly Website - Welcome
Gavin -

Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. I have moved your thread over to the WonderMedia device sub-forum, the experts here should be able to answer your questions and point you in the correct direction.

Thanks Cal,

Via WM8650 didn't work - Hung at the Uberrom screen
M80003w didn't work - Hung at the Uberrom screen
M003s - Worked, loaded but not Touch screen. was given these start-up options
Complete Action using, then there is 5 options:
ADWLauncher EX
GO Launcher EX
, had to use the keyboard. No Touch screen...wouldn't work
PC802 - hung at Uberrom screen
M012s - Works, no Touch screen.... ( Trying another rom )

I've tried all roms for 8"
only two work but the touch screen is NOT functioning..
M003s & M012s Work...no Touch screen at all...

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