Wmv. Files do not play in video player


Dec 27, 2011

Need ssome help with he playing of wmv. files.
Most of the ones that I get as attachments can play just the sound and the screen turns black (full screen - cause all buttons dissapear too). Is it just me or here is trick somewhere.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Android Tablet Forum
Hi. Has your tablet ever played wmv files?
Some devices do not support everything right out the gate even though they are supposed to.
Try downloading Mono Player from the market. It played just about everything.

Would love to find a VLC player for Android because it rocks on linux. But I can't find the VLC video player, so in its absence I use Mobo and it works very well.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Thank you very much, will try.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Android Tablet Forum
My Transformer prime 201 did same thing, even with Moboplayer, to correct this in Moboplayer start Mobo normally, in the directory view find the settings panel on the right side of table screen by hitting menu button, then select the 3 dots, then select the wrench and set it for soft-decoding this will allow Moboplayer to play wmv files.
Any other type of video player that u can disable hard-decoding will work also. (Mx Video Player)
Thanks for the additional information.
Steps I didn't need to take on my Vtab 1008, but the member is using a Asus.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Thanks, good to know.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Android Tablet Forum
many android devices can't play .wmv files well, you may think about converting wmv to h.264 mp4, this format is compatible well with transformer prime
I am using now MX VIDEO PLAYER free app. Does not play all the files directly out of an email, but if you save the file and than run it works.