Working apps for Nook Color

Any chance anybody's had any luck with QuickOffice? -- Or, the corollary question: does anybody have an office suite they'd recommend for the NC? I work with a debate team and having the nook work as a file-viewing unit with my dropbox would be friggin' sweet! Minor editing capabilities would be even better.
I meant to answer this, but got distracted by a similar question on a nearby thread! Here's where it starts:

New owner here of the Nook Color. It is a Christmas present for my wife so I have not opened it yet to play with it. Quick question, is it possible to save email attachments of Microsoft Office files to the Nook external micro SD card? With no email client I assume I have to access Webmail with the browser. As an e-reader my wife has a need to email microsoft office docs to either her Yahoo or GMail account for reading and potential saving on the Nook Color.
Short answer is if you root (which now includes GMail), you can easily view Office attachments. OH WAIT! just wanted to know if QuickOffice works. :eek: Answer is IT'S a stock app on the NC and works fine!!!!!! But it is read-only.

Hey rico2001. I like the clock on your home page. What apk is that?

It's the clock in Fancy widget, using 2 rows, 2 columns, hide background.

On QuickOffice:

Ok finally got quickoffice and it installs fine. I can post an apk if anyone wants. Opens both excel (.xls) and word (.doc) documents from SD card well and very quickly. All menus work well with Zeam launcher.






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Is that the full version? I'm pretty sure we got a copy with the stock NC, no?

Matt, have you tried softkeys 2.01 app yet?
No, since I'm OK with SmartBar. But I haven't returned to stock and rooted again yet. Since it's baked into the new root, I'll probably give it a try. I assume you haven't yet?

Nope not yet, perhaps in a few minus. Right now, I'm messing with Opera browser. It's the fastest so far and also supports multi-touch.
Oh hey, forgot to ask: do you mind uploading QuickOffice? It seems to be embedded somehow (in both the Droid and NC) and I can't make a backup of it!

Wonderful, thanks!

Strayed on over to the thread on the A7. It's interesting, to say the least...

Your welcome.

If you mean the a7 talk in "news" section, yes quite interesting.
Okay, my computer-skills are clearly failing me: I can't figure out how to "thank" people for useful posts, so I guess I'll do it the old-fashioned way...

Thanks Rico & Gadgetrants! You both provided helpful info and I appreciate it!
Okay, my computer-skills are clearly failing me: I can't figure out how to "thank" people for useful posts, so I guess I'll do it the old-fashioned way...

Thanks Rico & Gadgetrants! You both provided helpful info and I appreciate it!
Welcome to the forum (future Nook Color owner?) and thanks for the thanks!

Feel free to call me's easier to spell!!
