x5a Touch Screen - Can't Calibrate


May 7, 2011

I bought a nearly new x5a (actually an x6d with 4gb & G-sensor). It worked fine except was registered to someone else's gmail account.

I restored factory settings by switching-on the tablet while holding the Home button, then selecting from the set-up menu.

All seemed to be OK when I powered-up again. However, the touch screen seems to be in reverse. If there's a button at the top of the screen I have to press the bottom of the screen, and so on. I can just about work out how to get into Settings & power down, but can't figure out how to use the keyboard to type.

Calibration doesn't work at all. I can't press those crosses. However, the three buttons on the side of the screen (Menu, Home, Back) all seem to work perfectly.

Please help!

Sorted! I just needed to press and hold the crosses in Calibration for longer then expected! If only everything in life was so simple!