Senior Member
- Mar 21, 2011
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- 35
Ref: [ROM - 1.2] Flashback - Honeycomb - Alpha 5.4 (7/10/11) [G-TABLET\ZPAD T2] -
A great HC Alpha rom, but a lousy video as usual.
- YouTube App (All videos play fullscreen)
- External SDcard access
- PC Mounting
- Overclocking
- Flash Browsing (using opera)
- Flash Apps
- Web rendering apps
- adhoc support
My Installation: Was from another 1.2 bl rom. Used CWM to wipe before and after flashing. May need to do the market fix to install apps from Market.
Edit: Very clumsy & silly of me. I should explain what is on the video without being asked.
00:00 - 00:02 the main page. It has the live landscape wallpaper. The bottom dock can contain about 8 icons. The default screen density is 120 which makes icons and texts very sharp, but smallist to my eyes. I can increase the density to 130. At 140, some icons got cut off.
00:02 - 00:15 showed the two pages on the left site of the main screen. First page on the left is reserved for news & communication stuff. 2nd page on the left is for reading and apps.
00:15 - 00:42 Barnes & Nobles for Android app on 2nd page on the left side of main screen.
00:42 - 02:51 UPnPlay accessed our WHS media server and used Rock Player to stream 720p.x254 BluRay ripped.
02:51 - 03:59 2nd page of the left. Fox News and NY Times apps were shown.
03:59 - 04:14 the main page. DropBox app was shown.
04:14 - 06:28 1st page on the right of the main screen. This page is reserved for on line stuff. Youtube and google maps apps were shown.
06:28 - 09:34 2nd page on the right and is reserved for games. Fruit Ninja, Need for Speed Shift, Plants Versus Zombies.
09:34 - 10:21 Clicking MyApps icon on the top right of any screen explore all installed apps.
10:21 - end LCD Density Changer.
In summary, HC presents a new GUI with 5 pages for users to organize shortcuts to applications. In addition, users can click on 'MyApps' icon to access all apps. In my opinion, it is a step forward, but still fell short to the GUI from iPad. With an iPad, the main page is on top, and subsequent pages follows. Users can organize all the apps in iTunes then sync to the iPad. The icons are prettier and easier to see too. This new HC GUI appears to please many users and I wonder if this is the reason that get people excited about.
My favorite is still the Beast rom. It does everything like my old SUV. I can stuff all my kids and grand children, or all my fishing gears, or every shopping bags that my wife would do during her frenzy shopping spree.
Edit 07/12/2011
Well, I feel bad about the video quality, which may give users wrong impression about the beauty of this rom. So here is the screen shots of the five pages. I also switched from live wallpaper to a fixed one. The live wallpaper, while it is beautiful to look at, it taxes the responsiveness and doesn't show good on video.
Main Screen





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