[ZiiO] Shell Root + Fully Working Android Market and Ad-Hoc Fix!

This is a guide to shell root your ZiiO and install Android Market. I can't guarantee if it works or not, so please stop reading if you don't want to take any risks. You might brick your device. However reflashing the original firmware should work if something goes wrong.

ZiiO Market Guide v1.0

1) Download and install Java SDK Java SE Development Kit 6u26
2) Download and install Android SDK Android SDK | Android Developers If Android SDK doesn't find Java SDK installation, press "Back" and then go to next step again. The install program seems to have a bug... :)
3) Run Android SDK Manager in Administarator Mode. You don't need to set up a virtual device in Android SDK, just install the Android USB Driver.
4) Locate the driver, you might find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\temp\
5) This is the tricky part. Open android_winusb.inf in Notepad. Locate the section where it reads [Google.NTx86] and [Google.NTamd64]. You have added the following lines at the end of the section.

; Creative Ziio 7"
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install,
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install,

(Note: If you want, ZiiO10 users can try to replace 7" with 10" and see if it works.)

6) Save the file.
7) Go to C:\Users\[your login name]\.android\
8) If you can find a file called adb_usb.ini, open Notepad to add the following line


9) If there is no adb_usb.ini, just copy this to a blank file and save it as adb_usb.ini


10) Take your ZiiO and switch USB Debugging on (Settings - Applications - Development)
11) Connect ZiiO to your PC. Don't let Windows install the driver automatically. Go to Control Panel and Devices. Locate Ziio (Unknown Device) and install the driver manually (Have Disk - go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\Temp). Ignore the warnings and choose the Android device or whatever it was called. :)
12) Download and unzip SuperOneClick 1.7 from the end of this post: [APP]SuperOneClick v2.0 (MORE ROOTING!) - xda-developers Only 1.7 seems to work.
13) With your ZiiO connected to PC, use Shell Root with psneuter to get temporary root access to your ZiiO.
14) Download Set Up Google Apps (RAR) from here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QSM6ATPB
15) Unrar all the files to a specific folder. I copied the files to the same folder as SuperOneClick as I'm too lazy to type. Please note: It seems the file 'SetupWizard.apk' is causing problems, so don't install it.
16) Use Command Prompt, go to SuperOneClick folder. Use the command ADB PUSH [yourfilename] [destination directory in ZiiO] to transfer files. For example:
adb push Vending.apk /system/app

17) After pushing the file to ZiiO, use type ADB SHELL in command prompt and type CHMOD 755 [directory/filename] to set permissions back to normal. For example:
adb shell
# chmod 755 /system/app/Vending.apk

18) Do this for all the files, it takes some time. I honestly don't know if the permission, lib and framework files are needed but I did it anyway. *sigh*
19) When you're done, reboot your ZiiO and try if it the market works.

Ad-hoc support
1) Turn off wi-fi
2) Connect your ZiiO to your PC, use SuperOneClick 1.7 to shell root your tablet
3) Open command line, navigate to your SuperOneClick folder.
4) Use "adb pull /system/bin/wpa_supplicant" to download a backup of your original file
5) Rename the file in your PC as "wpa_supplicant.backup" or whatever you want
6) Download the patch (wpa_supplicant v0.5.11) from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=380322&d=1281834626
7) Unzip the file "wpa_supplicant", and copy it to SuperOneClick folder
8) Use "adb push wpa_supplicant /system/bin" to copy the patch to your ZiiO.
7) To change permissions back to normal, type:
adb shell
# chmod 755 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
8) Reboot your ZiiO, switch wifi on.

Source: Android Ad-hoc support hack/wpa_supplicant - xda-developers
Update 17 Nov 2011: New working market version

After the Creative update I decided to try a new version of the Market app, and it seems to work. Download from here:
http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/332572/Market-3-3-11-zip.html Just unzip, rename to Vending.apk and push + chmod to ZiiO.


The most difficult thing was to find the right files to a working market, but the key thing is, that Android Market really works, there are no crashes and I can install software with no problems. Wifi also works on ad-hoc mode and I can use JoikuSpot on my cell phone to connect on internet on the move.

Sorry Creative, no more ZiiStore for me. :)

Im having problems with step 11. I keep getting "error in android composite ADB Interface The parameter is incorrect"
Could you please Make a youtube video explaing step by step how to do this. Im sure many others would also appreciate it. If not you, then anyone, please help by providing a video!
kind regards,
hey, could anyone please make a VIDEO! explaining step by step what to do!
im stuck on step 11) and keep getting "error in android composite ADB Interface The parameter is incorrect"
if anyone makes one on youtube or other site, please send it to me: postisozero@yahoo.com
Kind regards!
actually, getting apps from the Market is what I least I care about, apks can always be gotten on http://androiddev.orkitra.com/download/apps/

The reason I want to root my ziio is to get run the apps that require Rooting, for example: SCREENSHOTS

i tried downloading NO-Rooting screenshot device, and followed the steps, but since i cannot get the (driver patch on step 11) my computer dosnt recognize the ziio.
so the No-Rooting app wont work.

also i need rooting because the Cisco "AnyConnect" App only works with Rooted devices (need it to log onto the Internet in places that have a Cisco VPN system set up)

so please, if anyone can help me out, a nice tutorial Video would be helpful, so i can compare what steps I may be doing wrong.
I have not gotten the gut to try rooting it. just curious, on step 12
12) Download and unzip SuperOneClick 1.7 from the end of this post: [APP]SuperOneClick v2.0 (MORE ROOTING!) - xda-developers Only 1.7 seems to work.

has anyone try using the latest version 2.3.3 and had success? or only version 1.7 only work? anybody had success with other version?


I've tried 1.7 and a 2x version and neither one do what I would call a full blown root. This process works great to install google apps and to get root access and do many. many, root things to the device, but it will still falter on some elements. For example,even though I can now run all the google apps and things like Titanium Pro, but the tablet will fail a "check root" program and I can't get apps like SetCPU work.

I don't really think the version of Superclick matters.
My ZiiO had beeing crashing irregularly.

I tried the root using the xda forum and it didn't work.

I updated the ZiiO using official updates and it crashed even more.
I did a factory reset and have lost all the google apps.

I don't know if I lost them in the reset or the update though.

EDIT: UPDATE (if anyone cares)

I used an update from the creative website and went into recovery mode and installed it.

After that - I followed the guide on XDA for root, then followed this guide for market (with new one).

It didn't root properly (I don't know why not) but it now has google apps and works brilliantly with no crashing

I'm now considering removing some system apps with superoneclick+adb..
Has anybody tried this?
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stupid question.. I have followed the root and market instructions and when I try to push markets files I get
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
error: devise not found

I have installed the driver and it shows it in devise manager..changed all of the lines...ughh
this is frustrating because I feel like I am this close to having all of my google apps but error devise not found is my last hurdle damn it..lol what could I be doing wrong
stupid question.. I have followed the root and market instructions and when I try to push markets files I get
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
error: devise not found

I have installed the driver and it shows it in devise manager..changed all of the lines...ughh
this is frustrating because I feel like I am this close to having all of my google apps but error devise not found is my last hurdle damn it..lol what could I be doing wrong

Im getting the same error and I also followed each step more than once. So how do we get this tablet rooted?
I've gone back to my ZiiO (to use as a second tablet).
Using the guide at Xda - I have the ZiiO rooted.

I've been playing around with it a lot. If you reset the device/ install new firmware - you lose root and google apps.
Doing this, I've actually reset and rooted sucessfully on a number of occasions.

Hint - make it so your ZiiO doesn't sleep when plugged in, this may help the "device not found" error that some of you have.
To do this - Settings>applications>Development> Stay Awake.

Once rooted using the guide on Xda, it won't actually be rooted like other devices.
For example, the "basic root check" app will not confirm root.
BUT Titanium Backup will be given root access by superuser and you can uninstall system apps.
I have uninstalled the weather app, the system update app, the creative registration app with titanium.

I mentioned earlier on in the thread that after I installed the google apps - my Ziio would randomly crash.
This still happens and I don't know why.

The only thing that doesn't go exactly to plan is that when I chmod the permissions files - it says directory not found (despite the fact I pushed them there).
This may be why.
I need the Set Up Google Apps but megaupload is closed. Can anyone please post this file somewhere else?

Hi Stonik,

Brilliant work! Thanks for this!

Just some thoughts:
re step 4) in the latest Android SDK, the driver is now located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\extras\google\usb_driver\
re step 12) latest SuperOneClick 2.3.3 also worked fine.
It is important to kill all "adb.exe" processes with TaskManager before starting SuperOneClick!
Also, SD cards should be removed as well during the process.

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Guys, Superuser says i have an outdated su binary and asks me if i want to install it.
offcourse, install doesn't work, so is it worth updating it separately?