ZT-180 V2 Battery Not Charging


May 20, 2011
Hi Forum members i have recently bought a used zenithink zt-180 v2 off ebay and it was charged when it arrived, i used up all the battery then when i plug the charger in the battery percent is stuck on 20% and when i take the charger out the battery is dead and shuts down about 30 secs after, i cannot find any solutions to this i have tried updating firmware but still no joy, do you think it could just be a matter of changing battery, editing system file, battery collab or something far more serious.
Any help would be appreciated i am at my wits end with the whole thing!
thanx guys
You could try two things:

1. You could open it and change the battery but that would mess up #2

2. You could return the item and request a refund or complain to eBay that you got a nonfunctional item.
sorry for the late reply been working away, yes it does function with the adapter in but it says charging and stuck on 0%